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Balance Nerf

a human being

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Nerf is a boss zombie that has a special leap ability it may use once every 10 seconds to knock a human over as if they had clumsy for 3 seconds. I feel this is unfair to players that like to roam around the map outside the barricade during a round, as an encounter with a nerf is almost certain death every time. He can knock you over from 20 yards away and if you see a nerf coming for you, generally what happens is you get knocked down by him, and you drop below half health and its impossible to recover because he will just knock you over again 5 seconds later. This implies there are no other zombies around to help the nerf kill you. this means certain death is inevitable unless you kill the nerf before he can knock you down (extremely unlikely) or if there are other players around to help you. nerf does 14 damage per hit, with the attack speed of a regular fast zombie. I feel this needs some balancing, because it is impossible to be a runner in zs without being killed by a nerf. my suggestion is to remove his knockdown mechanic COMPLETELY and buff his damage to 24 from 14. this allows the nerf to still feel like a boss zombie as it is doing triple the damage a regular fast zombie would, and may still be effective in dealing with humans outside a cade, while keeping it fair for the human side of the spectrum. a different alternative suggestion to help balance this boss is to add a trait in the worth menu for 15 worth that would make you immune to all knockdown effects. i would hope you consider this because its extremely annoying to not be able to utilize my play style on your server.

Edited by fan
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you have a point when it comes to buffing the nerf by adding a knockback trait, but what I dont understand is why you'd be willing to do a 10 + dmg when it's attack is already pretty OP ( hitspeed if very fast and attack does 14 dmg)


i'm not really sure about this, but i'll go with you

Edited by Chaotic_
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the only thing the nerf really does these days is to kill the juggernaut at the end of the map, or to waste it by killing running humans when instead the boss could be used to hit the main cade. The nerf is usually overlooked by the legion if the humans make a skycade or just have no cade and are sitting outside (ex: zs_checkpoint)


almost any balance at this point would be interesting, and might be worth checking out, considering the knockdown is pretty annoying, especially if you are juggernaut.

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you have a point when it comes to buffing the nerf by adding a knockback trait, but what I dont understand is why you'd be willing to do a 10 + dmg when it's attack is already pretty OP ( hitspeed if very fast and attack does 14 dmg)


i'm not really sure about this, but i'll go with you


you can dodge their normal claw attack, (its not hard) its the knockdown is what kills the players, it doesnt matter how good you are if you get knocked over you are SCREWED.

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you can dodge their normal claw attack, (its not hard) its the knockback is what kills the players, it doesnt matter how good you are if you get knocked over you are SCREWED.

yea , thats why im agreeing with you on the human trait which makes you not able to get knocked down, in fact me and a few others have been begging the devs to implement this idea a long time ago.

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I'm gonna give a -1 to this its like with the wendigo when they knock you down because it specifically targets loners. The nerf is used to kill OP people like the jugg in order to prevent them from gaining too many points as you ceiling fan always does. Also it is really easy to dodge the incoming jump, i've done it many times and the nerf is basically a counter towards the jugg otherwise people would complain that the jugg is to op and would need a nerf also. So i say leave how the nerf is because when it replaced wendigo it, i was pretty satisfied. There's also that huge delay in jumping so we would have to time it perfectly if we would want to make it

Edited by Destroy
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I'm gonna give a -1 to this its like with the wendigo when they knock you down because it specifically targets loners. The nerf is used to kill OP people like the jugg in order to prevent them from gaining too many points as you ceiling fan always does. Also it is really easy to dodge the incoming jump, i've done it many times and the nerf is basically a counter towards the jugg otherwise people would complain that the jugg is to op and would need a nerf also. So i say leave how the nerf is because when it replaced wendigo it, i was pretty satisfied. There's also that huge delay in jumping so we would have to time it perfectly if we would want to make it

its not like the wendigo, this boss can knock you down from halfway across the map, instead of a melee range

the nerf was never intended to knock the jug over, its a bug that never got fixed

try dodging the jump when you are getting chased by 3 other fast zombies (i speak from experience which you clearly lack)

the delay doesnt matter, if you get knocked over one time you are dead unless theres other humans with you

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