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Still Alive

Alpha Wolf Kodi

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Hey just signing in to give an update as to where I've been and what I've been doing. I'm still alive but the last few months have been extremely rough. Lost my grandpa June 12th and it hit me harder than I was expecting. Been dealing with major depression thoughts of suicide and death...but through it all I'm still kicking. In the last few months I moved houses and my computer is currently out of order till i can get a wireless card for it. I hope everyone else has been okay. Miss playing with the friends I've made here. I hope to joon you all again soon.

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  • Executive Council

I was wondering what happened to you buddy. I know things are tough but know that you have your HG family here! We hope to see you soon and I am sorry to hear about your grandpa. Let me know if you need anything and keep your head up!

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We shall all be here if you need us. Hope things start looking better in soon.


If you wish for me to bother Pongo so you can have a laugh, just ask. :)



But still, sorry to hear about everything. Much love from me <3


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But also, as Peace said, although I don't know you, I have my own experiences of dealing with grief and I know how hard it can be - if you want to talk to someone about it, just drop me a message on the forums. We are all here for you bro, hope to see you soon

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