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IMPORTANT | Definitions |

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Hello there.

My name is Aeux Deus, and i have been playing on HG for quiete a while and i think i should set some things straight especially to the admins.


Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. The use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.[1]

The ideology underlying racism often includes the idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different due to their social behavior and their innate capacities as well as the idea that they can be ranked as inferior or superior.[2] Historical examples of institutional racism include the Holocaust, the apartheid regime in South Africaslavery and segregation in the United States, and slavery in Latin America. Racism was also an aspect of the social organization of many colonial states and empires.

While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in both popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race": the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Therefore, racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention on racial discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.[3]

Racist ideology can manifest in many aspects of social life. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g., apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. Associated social actions may include nativismxenophobiaothernesssegregationhierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.


Saying the "N Word" does not immediatley mean racism, it's just plain Discimination towards an individual, and if the Speaker did not mean any racist intend it's NOT RACIST. and i repeat, you as the reciever have no legal authority or social authority to define racism your own way shape and or form, if you the reciever think it's racism, it's your own subjective view, otherwise everything is racist in my case and you'd have to take action.





mass noun
  • 1 The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

    ‘victims of racial discrimination’
    ‘discrimination against homosexuals’
  • 2 Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.

    ‘discrimination between right and wrong’
    count noun ‘young children have difficulties in making fine discriminations’
    1. 2.1 The ability to judge what is of high quality; good judgement or taste.
      ‘those who could afford to buy showed little taste or discrimination’
    2. 2.2Psychology The ability to distinguish between different stimuli.
      as modifier ‘discrimination learning’



1. A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared bythe group. Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in partbecause there is more genetic variation within groups than between them.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographicdistribution: the Celtic race.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
4. Humans considered as a group.
5. Biology
a. A usually geographically isolated population of organisms that differs from other populations of the samespecies in certain heritable traits: an island race of birds.
b. A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
6. A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.
1. Of or relating to race; racial: race relations; race quotas.
2. Of or relating to forms of popular entertainment made by and largely marketed to African Americans in the early1900s: race literature; race records.
human beings are all of the same RACE, remember that word. however we come in different strains. THEREFORE HUMANS CANNOT BE RACIST AGAINST HUMANS BECAUSE YOU MIX UP ETHNICITY WITH RACE AND DISCRIMINATION
READ you are obligated to go through all these steps in order to even begin to accuse one of racism, besides it's not up to the reciever of the word, it's up to the Sender.
*NOTE* i'm in no way shape and or form saying the N word is okay, but i kinda demand that you read the definitions before u hand out punishments since the definitions mean alot!
Yours Truly.
Aeux Deus
  • Thanks 2
  • Confused 1
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We have a problem with some Staff that punish based on feelings instead of hard facts and definition.


"Baguette" is now racist on ZS apparantly, and killing jews jokes are now also alright along with other superficial comments.


but mentioning black people.



too far.

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