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not abuse (GMod) Abuse Report (Snowyamur)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?

Zombie Survival

How long ago did this take place?

50 minutes ago during this writing (8:08 PM, EST)

Give us a brief description of the incident.

All of the following information is available to be viewed in my Ban, linked in the proof links. 2 Staff members were present during this time (that I know of). Talbot, and Wonderland.

Earlier on Zombie Survival, it was wave 3 and there was around 2 minutes left before wave 4. The last player became Jugg, and chat was spammed with "Die for replay" or statements similar. I myself said this, because its funny. I then thought it was a good idea to make a joke votekick on the Jugg with the reason "Replay". This was obviously, a very dumb idea and I shouldn't have done it. Talbot then PSAY'd me saying something along the lines of "Please dont abuse votekick". I reopened my console and typed Ulx and pressed Tab, unknowingly selecting ulx votekick instead of ulx psay. I typed in Talbot and followed it with "ok bb", and hit enter. I accidentally started a votekick against Talbot. I immediately said "OH SHIT" in chat, and PSAY'd Talbot explaining it was an accident. Following this, Wonderland kicked me for the abuse. Completely understandable. At this point I assumed the situation had resolved. I rejoined the game and said the following across 3 lines, "Let it be known that was not intentional. but it was funny". The latter statement was intended to be humorous to lighten the mood, as nobody needs to get pitchforks over an accidental votekick that was immediately stopvoted by Wonderland. I was then promptly banned by Gold Member Snowyamur. I spoke with some friends and responded to my ban thread several times. And that leads us here. In the thread, Snowy withholds information/lies about the following:

1. The original votekickee (Strongfield) was kicked as a result of my shitty joke. (See Proof Link 1 or 3) This is false. As visible in proof link 4, I did not kick the user, and I have multiple witnesses who can testify.
2. Does not show what I said upon my return. As mentioned above in the short novel, I explicitly said I did not mean to do that. Proof link 5 for evidence.
3. Attempts to use 2 user reports against me filed 1 year, 6 months ago as evidence of past abuse. Both of those ban reports were Denied, and made by the same user, MrTabby. During this time, MrTabby and I had a "rivalry" and Tabby was attempting to get me in trouble for things I didn't do. There is no reason to show those reports. See my ban thread in Proof Link 1.

Summary: I was punished for something I did by a staff member, Wonderland. Snowy, a Gold Member, took it upon himself to ban me after the fact, and withhold information and blatantly lie in the ban thread, smearing my name, and leaving me bored for 2 hours.

Edit: 8:51 PM, EST It has come to light by my friend More Ecchi that Snowy claims I have been "Causing trouble for the past few days" (Proof 6) I have no idea what he is saying here, nor why it would have any relevance to this case. He is not a staff member, and should not act like one. In proof link 6, you can also see he blatantly disregards the fact my talbot kick was entirely accidental, and used it as a reason to ban me for essentially no reason.

Edit 9:04 PM, EST Wonderland brought to light the fact "Snowy expressed particular interest in being the one to ban [me]" (Proof 7). This leads me to believe Snowy was out to get me, if you take into account the previous edit of Snowy claiming I've been causing trouble, which is simply untrue.

Proof Links?

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I don't know why he got banned. I've never seen Kapu do any trouble in the past few days and I was so confused cause I didn't know if this is a lie or true. He said that it was an accident and accidently vote kicking Talbot. That was a mistake. I mean to be honest what has he done in the past few days snowy? is there proof? And there was no sign of kicking that one person that was Jugg and I never saw Kapu kick him at all.  




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