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Special Characters & Name Changing Hackers


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You might have come across someone that's breaking rules and has a weird name with characters that aren't on a standard keyboard or, a hacker that keeps switching their name. If your a moderator this can be extremely frustrating as you might need to take action on them but can't because of their name. This topic will help in situations like this. There are a variety of ways to target such people. You can use Steam IDs or Connections Numbers.

Connection Numbers:


You have probably come across someone with either a weird name or no name at all breaking our rules, and this can be bad if you need to follow the admin procedures on them. Here is a simple guide that might help you if you are ever in a situation like this.

Step 1 - Open up the console with the "`" key and type "status"


Step 2 - Once typed you will see a list of data. which will Include names, steamids, userid numbers and more.


Step 3 - You will see a section that says userid. Under it will be a list of numbers. Find the number next to their name. In this case, it will be "#245" (Must include the "#").


Step 4 - Type out your command however, instead of using there name type out the number with the "#" in front.


Name switching hackers:


Step 1 - Use the console command  "status" to find the #Id's and names of all current server members.


Step 2 - On the far left, there is a column for "userid," this is what will be used to identify the name-changer.


Step 3 - Retrieve both players' UserIDs (that have identical names), this is critical for the next step.

Step 4 - Use /observe and the player's userid to automatically jump and lock onto them in spectate (must be in spectate to do so).



Step 5 - Use both of the userids to see which one is the name-changer's ID. Once you have found their ID and are spectating them, collect sufficient evidence, and then ban.

Step 6 - Banning is the same just instead of their name use that number. Unless the name-changer rejoins, their userid stays the same. Do /ban # (and their userid number) to ban them. Then follow the procedure and upload the proof.



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