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A dark confession.


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The purpose of this essay is to inform the reader of why I, Pongo, enjoy watching hehe xd funny cat memes.


So, ladies and gentlemen, put on your seatbelts because this is going to be a bumpy ride.


It all started back in primary school when I was getting bullied by the new Romanian kid, Gustav. He would constantly and relentless ridicule me, saying that my clout level was too low and that I didn’t get bare big booty bitches.


Now, at this particular point in my life, it was factually accurate that I did not get bare big booty bitches. This time was to come later in my life.


With the never ending bullying from Gustav, I needed to find something that would cheer me up after a long day of bullying. After hours of searching on YouTube for some content to just bring a smile upon my face, even if just for a meme second, that’s when I came across it. I came across my first hehe xd funny cat meme.


I was instantly hooked. I wanted more. I sat there for hours on end watching compilation upon compilation of hehe xd funny cat memes. It made me forget about the pain and anguish that Gustav had made me feel  that day. People always say that you can never have too much of a good thing.


I disagree.


My passion for hehe xd funny cat memes verged on unhealthy. I couldn’t harness any of my energy and focus that energy on worthwhile means. I could only think about when I could next watch my hehe xd funny cat meme. Every minute without them became a painful struggle. It was at this point I wish I’d never seen my first hehe xd funny cat meme as the pain that Gustav had me feel before being exposed to these monstrosities was a walk in the park compared the pain I was feeling then.


When my parents found me furiously masturbating to one particular hehe xd funny cat meme, this is where they had seen enough. They removed all access I had to any computers, phones, or anything with internet access. My lowest point came when I was trying to get one more hit of hehe xd funny cat meme via the Samsung Smart Fridge.


But then I found my answer. The one thing that could help me forget not only the pain and anguish that Gustav made me feel on a day to day basis. But also forget about my addiction to hehe xd funny cat memes, and do so in a healthy way.


Some will say that the method I found is unconventional,  but I think regularly taking MDMA as an 8 year old really helped distract my young and easily impressionable mind away from the negative forces surrounding me and enabled me to really focus and what I should be as an 8 year old, just having fun. So that’s my story about hehe xd funny cat memes.

Edited by Pongo
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Alright... lately I've seen forum post after status after wall post after forum post about how you wish there was so-and-so division, no divisions at all, or different leaders for your divisions. I'll just let you in on a little secret from my own experience as well as conversations I've had with the members of leadership I pal around with:




These are common misconceptions about the division system we are using ATM:

  1. You are being forced to play the game of your division.
  2. You must play a set quota of hours/minutes/seconds/lifetimes on that game each week.
  3. You must get along with everyone in your division.
  4. The division you're in must be the game you play more than any other game.
  5. You must stick with the people of your division before anyone/anything else in HG.


And now for some truths that not all of you seem to get:

  1. You are expected to be active with the division you are in.
  3. Being in any specific division does not help you getting higher in rank (Strategy people......).
  4. There is no preference for or against the people of any division by the leadership.
  5. You can and are EXPECTED to play with people both in and out of your division.


You guys are placing WAY TOO LARGE OF AN EMPHASIS on what was primarily made as an organizational tool. Divisions were put in place so that leadership could more easily delegate power, authority, and policing among the members. Rather than going to whoever your favorite DL or advisor is when you have an issue with someone/something, you know who to go to depending on the division you are in. It had NOTHING TO DO with forcing people to play a certain game or separating members into different sects of HG. It was simply an organization tool for leadership to better service the hundreds of people in HG.


YOU DO NOT... hold on this needs to be bigger...



You want to play VA:MP? You want to play Minekraft? You want to play Call of Duty? Go ahead. No one is stopping you. There are people in MMO division, Strategy division, and CSS division that I can BY NAME recommend to you if you are looking for people to play any of those games. Instead of thinking we need a division to organize people, how about taking some initiative and doing it yourself?


Stop putting emphasis on something that was supposed to be structural and nothing more. It's like going to school and then complaining that you can't meet friends because there isn't a video gaming or whatever club at your school. That's not the only place to find people who have similar interests. Instead of relying on institutions put in place to find people to game with, JUST BE SOCIABLE and find them yourself.


The divisions are fine as is as long as leadership respects the divisions, and leaders focus on the betterment of the divisions they've been appointed to.


You know who I'm talking to.


Everyone else, just play the games... and stop worrying about something that barely matters.



Edited by bert
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