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[Ñ] The new division of [HG]


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Guest The_Monkey
If not a Spanish division, why not a multilingual one. we have many people in the Clan who speak different languages, and would be great if we ever had someone who joined our servers, and didn't speak english, for someone to hlep and guide them to what to do. and even if they do speak english just a little bit, they would feel much welcomed if they were spoken to in their first language. just a thought, i dont really see why this cant be a possibility, but then again who am i?


It is not possible to face palm any harder than I did just now when I read this.


Dude, we don't need to make cliques within the clan at the sake of extending your e-peen.


We especially don't need to point out something so mundane as race, creed, or religion....especially seeing as how this is a gaming community, and race, creed, and religion HAS F'ING NOTHING TO DO WITH GAMING!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are no more special than the next person because you are latino. We are all equal here.

Edited by The_Monkey
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Monkey, i am not saying that i am better than anyone, at any time did i even imply that latino or people who are not american are better than anyone else. We are all equal, and this was just an idea that was sparked by the amount of people who are from different nationalities. If you guys don't like it, fine then, theres no real need for people to be posting useless comments about something that we can already get the hunch will not be implemented.

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I actually like the idea, since I have other plans like HG UK division soon, but there are a few problems.


The multi-lingual would need separate forums..


I would need to make different language versions of the website for navigation (which is possible).


I have future plans of making HG global.

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I actually like the idea, since I have other plans like HG UK division soon, but there are a few problems.


The multi-lingual would need separate forums..


I would need to make different language versions of the website for navigation (which is possible).


I have future plans of making HG global.


Ya like there could be a spanish HG forum and LaMigra could be the admin for that.

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I actually like the idea, since I have other plans like HG UK division soon, but there are a few problems.


The multi-lingual would need separate forums..


I would need to make different language versions of the website for navigation (which is possible).


I have future plans of making HG global.



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I actually like the idea, since I have other plans like HG UK division soon, but there are a few problems.


The multi-lingual would need separate forums..


I would need to make different language versions of the website for navigation (which is possible).


I have future plans of making HG global.


Thank you very much for your consideration in the idea Homer. as for the Forums being different languages, ME, Roy and LaMigra will surely be thore than happy to assist you with the translation of all of that. I was born in cuba, and speak Spanish fluently and I think Lamigra does too... I know Roy does, since i have heard him speak, but never seen Lamigra. :)


Again, thank you very much Homer.

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mmkay, ill give up then.


I agree with not separating what we have within HG. I am working on ideas for future expansion into other countries and eventually we will have a multi-lingual site/forums. As far as separating HG US that is not going to happen.

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Honestly, I agree with breaking the clan up by geographic location at some point. But you need to have a fair number of players from each location and we would need to have a plan to implement to tie it all back in under the main sphere of HG.



That way we're not separating by languages, as that would cause people to not know others based on language. I wouldn't know a lot of people who come from Europe or Latin America if we did something like that.


It's a cool idea, and I think subforums for the different regions/possibly languages would be nice someday in the future as long as it was all tied to http://www.hellsgamers.com and the main body of the clan.

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And anyways, why believe that. the mayan calendar had to end sometime. the guy prob ran out of materials, and relized he was wasting his life helping people in the future, not realising, we have cell phones and things that can give us the calandar for, ever.


He ran out of rock.

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okokok, omg.. i leave one day and you guys make a mess... my idea is NOT SEGREGATING PLAYERS, my idea is making a HELP BOARD, (Multilingual help board, i decided to call it Ñ because it is the only different key between keyboards) its a HELP BOARD, we just gonna help people understand the rules, we dont need another website, we dont need a different server, we just need a vent channel and a small subforum, were we can redirect players to where they need to go, I'm not asking for a different server, nor i am looking for segregation, we need more players from worldwide to come and join HG, and if we help them to understand our rules better and basic jailbreak commands and/or gameplay commands we can get more people playing in our servers!!! more donors!!! more admins!!!! my neighbor plays CS and he is good, but he doesnt understand english so well, i once invited him to jailbreak and he loved it, so i told him to come more frequently, the only problem he has is that he doesnt understand completely the orders, so i started teaching him a lil bit about the orders and what to do, now he is a regular on JB and the rest of the servers, if council says no, its ok, it was just a suggestion to try to make HG bigger and better


Thank you


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Listen, if you guys can get those russian guys on vent,(you know, the ones who yell at anyone who tries to speak english to them), to post an application to HG, AND keep them calm enough to get accepted.....


You get your own channel to help the non-english speakers.

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