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California to Legalize Pot


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Legalizing weed can boost the economy through the sin tax that would be imposed on it, so it can help our economy. No doubt about that...but it's not worth the risk of legalizing it. It impedes your judgement and your overall actions. Sure, you can smoke when you don't have anything to do, but I think it affects to many people


So based upon this, should we reinstate prohibition laws?

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Wingless and Terry have made the most sense so far in my opinion. I support legalization, but I doubt this specific bill will pass (maybe in a few years) just because there are a few missing clauses that need to be addressed.


There is nothing chemically addictive about THC - FACT. It's the same thing as alcohol, where you can't really be chemically addicted to it. Just you can die from alcohol overdose. Alcohol - yearly - kills more people than weed will ever do.


Terry is right, and as a resident of California, weed is sometimes easier to obtain than alcohol - it's ridiculous. As for whether or not Marijuana is the gateway drug - LUDICROUS









The benefits towards tax revenue (to help revitalize a faltering education system) as well as helping uncrowd prisons will help immensely.


HOWEVER, as the bill is now, I am going to vote AGAINST it (mail in ballot woo!) because it's got too many loopholes and is in general pretty poorly written. Even though I'm pro-legalization, unless there are drastic changes to the content of the bill, Assembly Bill 2254 does not have my vote. SHAZAM!!!!

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Oh sorry weeman cause this is sooooooo useful


Erm. The difference between your comment and my comment was that I was making a point about a lie (or at the very least, a misrepresentation of fact) that is accepted as fact and you made a sweeping generalization with no factual basis to support it.

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and how did you back up your statement with any factual information you made a pointless quote


1 - People that are prone to expermentation will experiment with other drugs regardless. The reason why most people start with marijuana is because it's cheap. This isn't going to change whether it's legal or not.


2 - It seems like the wrong drug is being attacked here. "Well alcohol is already bad so making other drugs legal would be bad too" is a poor point. As far as detection goes, smoking pot leaves physical tells on the body and the user is still prone to to failing a SFST. Failing a SFST means you're going to be taken in for further testing (blood draw) and booked if you fail.


3 - See the first sentence of #2. If we're worried about everyone's moral code being offended, we'd need a national prohibition and ALL counties in Nevada would have to outlaw prostitution.


4 - Better outlaw guns and pornography while we're out it. Oh, also alcohol and tobacco.


5 - This might sound circular, but if you have someone that traffics marajuana illegally, he must also be prone to commit other offenses - largely because you have to in order to keep yourself out of jail. So if this same person opens a pot shop (work with me here) which is a legal, taxable business with permits and the whole 9 yards, is this person prone to criminal activity?




7 - This one, I'll agree with. There has to be a provision to keep minors and people that can't take care of themselves from being exposed. After all, if you don't want to drink, you just don't drink, but you don't have the same luxury with an airborne substance.


Okay, here's what bothers me about the whole thing. Everyone goes on and on about how we shouldn't taint society with drugs like marijuana (specifically MJ in this case, coke is bad, yo!) because it leaves people inebriated and stupid. The big flaw with this line of reasoning is that alcohol is just as bad, if not WORSE in every imaginable way, and yet, nobody has uttered a single word about banning booze. Furthermore, "independent" studies on the subject are scientifically flawed to the point where they're completely invalid, which creates a swamp of data that you'd spend a lifetime sorting through to find the truth.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination, but I think everyone is looking at this ass backwards. Have you ever in your life heard of someone getting high and beating their wife? Neither have I.


Wingless and Terry have made the most sense so far in my opinion. I support legalization, but I doubt this specific bill will pass (maybe in a few years) just because there are a few missing clauses that need to be addressed.


There is nothing chemically addictive about THC - FACT. It's the same thing as alcohol, where you can't really be chemically addicted to it. Just you can die from alcohol overdose. Alcohol - yearly - kills more people than weed will ever do.


Terry is right, and as a resident of California, weed is sometimes easier to obtain than alcohol - it's ridiculous. As for whether or not Marijuana is the gateway drug - LUDICROUS









The benefits towards tax revenue (to help revitalize a faltering education system) as well as helping uncrowd prisons will help immensely.


HOWEVER, as the bill is now, I am going to vote AGAINST it (mail in ballot woo!) because it's got too many loopholes and is in general pretty poorly written. Even though I'm pro-legalization, unless there are drastic changes to the content of the bill, Assembly Bill 2254 does not have my vote. SHAZAM!!!!


Street posted the article link already...


If you're not going to read the discussion thread before posting in it, you don't need to be here. Seriously. I'd like to see how long we can keep nice things this time.

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Street posted the article link already...


If you're not going to read the discussion thread before posting in it, you don't need to be here. Seriously. I'd like to see how long we can keep nice things this time.


sorry didnt know opinions were factual info? nice troll

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Are you done yet? Post something with logical merit or leave. An analysis of an independent study and empirical data is pretty much the basis of science. Just saying.


^^ This


If you're just gonna come in here and tell someone they're wrong and that they are a troll, don't bother posting ATL, this is your only warning.

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i wouldnt have said anything if he didnt say this for absolutely no reason other than being a prick...


So says the person that sits at the big kids table and starts talking about the intellectual equivalent of cooties and farts.


Meanwhile, in relevant conversation - economic impact wouldn't just be limited to the money CA ends up making from taxes, it would also impact the surrounding nations that are well known for distribution and smuggling into the country. Personally, I would sleep a little better knowing that less people might sneak across the border and murder me in my sleep.

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sorry wingless your always right i didnt mean to question authority ;)


That set off my snarky detector, but I'll take it. But seriously, if you have something to contribute to the discussion, you're more than welcome to. We just want to keep it at an actual friendly debate and debate needs quality points to fuel it.

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So says the person that sits at the big kids table and starts talking about the intellectual equivalent of cooties and farts.


Meanwhile, in relevant conversation - economic impact wouldn't just be limited to the money CA ends up making from taxes, it would also impact the surrounding nations that are well known for distribution and smuggling into the country. Personally, I would sleep a little better knowing that less people might sneak across the border and murder me in my sleep.


You do realize that this is not going to be the solution that gets CA out of money troubles... this is only going to bring so much money until people realize that the prices are to high then go seek a person that is growing it in their back yard and buy it way cheaper...

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I couldn't put it in the news section, so I put it here.


What do you guys think?


It hasn't passed yet, and hopefully won't pass.


P.S no flaming thx


An ounce on person is not a lot. Although pot is very light, an ounce still comes to a little less than one tightly packed and rolled joint. Still, the growing thing seems very interesting. I would think that instead they'd have to get a state growing license and that people could buy it from stores and stuff like they do liqueur and tobacco.


If people are growing it themselves, how does the state benefit from regulating this and/or be able to tax the sales of it?

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An ounce on person is not a lot. Although pot is very light, an ounce still comes to a little less than one tightly packed and rolled joint. Still, the growing thing seems very interesting. I would think that instead they'd have to get a state growing license and that people could buy it from stores and stuff like they do liqueur and tobacco.


If people are growing it themselves, how does the state benefit from regulating this and/or be able to tax the sales of it?


If we're talking the weight of what you're allowed to carry on you, an ounce is plenty for personal use. I'm pretty sure that's the point of limiting it where they did; anything else borders on distribution.


As far as what the right answer is when it comes to how to keep people from selling their own product for cheap, I'm not quite sure. Currently, you can make your own alcohol for personal use and not step on any toes. You can even have your friends over to drink it if you want, but if you want to sell it, you need to have your paperwork in order.


I would think that we'd see some of the same here. If what you're holding doesn't have a tax stamp on it and/or you don't have a legitimate proof of purchase, then you're in the wrong. Unlicensed person to person sales would still be illegal. I see it as needing to provide proof of age AND documentation of purchase if you have a run-in with the law. This isn't any different than being stopped with a bottle of Lortab in your car. You have a controlled substance, but proof you're allowed to have it.

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Although pot is very light, an ounce still comes to a little less than one tightly packed and rolled joint.







taht would be one fuckgin fat ass J




But no, I'd say 2-3g would make a fine spliff

Edited by JJK
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An ounce on person is not a lot. Although pot is very light, an ounce still comes to a little less than one tightly packed and rolled joint.


LOL. Oh JJK beat me to it damn....


An ounce in a joint? That's impressive. An ounce will give you maybe a dozen of joints. An ounce is a LOT for one person to be carrying.


But, if they lower it, what would they lower it to? 10 grams? Random amount fail.

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I hate that people who have never tried it or understand it, can vote on keeping it illegal. Same with people who vote for a president they know nothing about, other than what they see on TV or whatnot.


If you have never smoked it, you should not have an opinion..

Nobody says shit about cigs, because you can buy it in stores. Nobody says shit about medications, because doctors prescribe them and they have tv commercials. Yet, these meds that are so easily availble and hardly judged, are far worse than many street drugs.

(if not the same effects as hard drugs, just in pill form, and "legal". And probably more addictive.)


Marijuana is as psychologically addictive as chocolate cake....

Observe some mature smokers or talk with them, don't read books or listen to other peoples opinions who have never been around marijuana. (or the immature smokers that giggle and eat....)


Marijuana can give an observant individual access to his subconscious and unconscious mind. There is so much power and understanding with this access. I feel it is also the reason it is illegal.


Gateway drug? What about alcohol, cigarettes, cough syrup, other otc meds, prescribed meds, caffeine, etc.

Anal sex with my girlfriend could possibly lead to me wanting to bang dudes...I better be careful! IT'S A GATEWAY! ;)


Funny...I can go home and drink a whole bottle of whiskey...but I can't go home and smoke a joint.

Make that make sense for me....and I might listen to you people who are negative on mj. ;)

Edited by vandium
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I hate that people who have never tried it or understand it, can vote on keeping it illegal. Same with people who vote for a president they know nothing about, other than what they see on TV or whatnot.


If you have never smoked it, you should not have an opinion..

Nobody says shit about cigs, because you can buy it in stores. Nobody says shit about medications, because doctors prescribe them and they have tv commercials. Yet, these meds that are so easily availble and hardly judged, are far worse than many street drugs.

(if not the same effects as hard drugs, just in pill form, and "legal". And probably more addictive.)


Marijuana is as psychologically addictive as chocolate cake....

Observe some mature smokers or talk with them, don't read books or listen to other peoples opinions who have never been around marijuana. (or the immature smokers that giggle and eat....)


Marijuana can give an observant individual access to his subconscious and unconscious mind. There is so much power and understanding with this access. I feel it is also the reason it is illegal.


Gateway drug? What about alcohol, cigarettes, cough syrup, other otc meds, prescribed meds, caffeine, etc.

Anal sex with my girlfriend could possibly lead to me wanting to bang dudes...I better be careful! IT'S A GATEWAY! ;)


Funny...I can go home and drink a whole bottle of whiskey...but I can't go home and smoke a joint.

Make that make sense for me....and I might listen to you people who are negative on mj. ;)


You should go into politics. You make some good points that people would love to hear.

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