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Admin and Supporter Enhancements


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This it to players that are currently a paying admin or someone that may be interested in becoming an admin in the future on our CS:S servers.


Soon HG will have a Supporter Plugin on the servers which reward our Donators extra features in-game to thank them for their support.


I would like some more ideas from you all on what neat benefits you would like added to the servers for Supporters only, we plan to have many things for supporters without effecting normal gameplay because our servers can use the help with server costs right now to keep them running and for future servers.


List so far in the making:


  • HG Custom T and CT Skins [Link]
  • !$, !money Commands - 16k Cash (available after 2 rounds because of pistol round)
  • Sniper weapons have a cool Lazer Aim when scoping in.
  • A Knife kill gets you +50hp, non supporters get a normal +25hp
  • !bling Command adds a cool special glow effect and color to your current equipped gun.
  • !awp, !auto Commands give you an Awp or Auto regardless if it is restricted (available after 2 rounds because of pistol round)
  • !ak, !m4 Commands give you an AK47 or M4A1 regardless of what team you are on.
  • !joinmsg <text> Command sets a custom user join message.
  • !nades Command gives you 2 Smoke, 2 FB, and 2 HE nades :) (limit once per round)

Any more ideas? let me here them!! We can script almost anything :)


P.S. We need more admins! Signup: http://www.hellsgamers.com/admins/cart.php?gid=1

Edited by Homer
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Maybe something interesting for deathmatch could be that they can get t skins or vice versa to sneak around more easily? I know admins have it that they can change people but still would be nice for donators and etc as well. I think it would be neat in my opinion.


If I think of anymore I will post it of course.


I also am going to ask around and let the people know about this thread.

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  Homer said:
This it to players that are currently a paying admin or someone that may be interested in becoming an admin in the future on our CS:S servers.


Soon HG will have a Supporter Plugin on the servers which reward our Donators extra features in-game to thank them for their support.


I would like some more ideas from you all on what neat benefits you would like added to the servers for Supporters only, we plan to have many things for supporters without effecting normal gameplay because our servers can use the help with server costs right now to keep them running and for future servers.


List so far in the making:


  • HG Custom T and CT Skins [Link]
  • !$, !money Commands - 16k Cash (available after 2 rounds because of pistol round)
  • Sniper weapons have a cool Lazer Aim when scoping in.
  • A Knife kill gets you +50hp, non supporters get a normal +25hp
  • !bling Command adds a cool special glow effect and color to your current equipped gun.
  • !awp, !auto Commands give you an Awp or Auto regardless if it is restricted (available after 2 rounds because of pistol round)
  • !ak, !m4 Commands give you an AK47 or M4A1 regardless of what team you are on.
  • !joinmsg <text> Command sets a custom user join message.
  • !nades Command gives you 2 Smoke, 2 FB, and 2 HE nades :) (limit once per round)

Any more ideas? let me here them!! We can script almost anything :)


P.S. We need more admins! Signup: http://www.hellsgamers.com/admins/cart.php?gid=1


Will these be coming to Jailbreak, or is that cut off on these things? Because I see a real unbalance with a few of them (the 50hp knife, for example) and yet others I see as interesting (I wants the !bling).

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Every server type will have it's own supporter features that fits the server.


Phase one has already started with JB and Hide'N'Seek, and after I'm done making the CSS supporter plugin, I will be heading to our other servers to make them sexy as well.


I also have an additional list of ideas that could be fun...


So everyone, hang in tight! Back to coding. =)

Edited by Cr(+)sshair
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for jailbreak admins that are on T should be able to spawn themselves with guns and Ct admins should be able to freekill :D (jk) mabey add more skins to the jailbreak venue for admins such as Batman and Joker skins.


the only thing i dont see working is the sniper laser because i have seen them and they usually create a lot of lag and people will be able to see where you are without going around the corner

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Yeah I don't recommend the lazer skins either that will cause alot of lag I use to have my own Rpg/Wcs 24/7 scoutz knivez server and I had lazer skins on there as a choice to buy from the buy menu when a few ppl had it lagged our server big time and I had a 100 tick server. So Yeah as I stated I don't recommend it at all in my opinion. Nonless I can hear now everyone complaining to the forums how cheap it is.

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  Siphaed said:
Will these be coming to Jailbreak, or is that cut off on these things? Because I see a real unbalance with a few of them (the 50hp knife, for example) and yet others I see as interesting (I wants the !bling).


Jailbreak will have it's own supporter benefits that will not affect the game play.

Jailbreak does not need more admins, our other servers do :)

Edited by Homer
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  Homer said:
Jailbreak will have it's own supporter benefits that will not affect the game play.

Jailbreak does not need more admins, our other servers do :)


True and not so. See, I rarely ever play the other servers except Jailbreak. Honestly that's practically the only reason I play CSS, otherwise I play BF:BC2 for my FPS fix, or TF2, or any other ones.



P.S. Oh, and some of these "newer" admins on there have been quite sketchy and need to be put into their place ....*looks elsewhere*

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