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I said, "You want a rational response to your various and oftentimes irrefutable evidence?"

Google definition of irrefutable: incontrovertible: impossible to deny or disprove; "incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence"; "proof positive"; "an irrefutable argument"


If you want us to try and be rational with you then you have to be able to read.


P.S.- The picture was not edited, I made it myself.


If you misread any more of my argument that proves how ignorant and uncaring you are about proving your point.


I know you were agreeing with me. However I don't believe that everything is "impossible to deny" because people have opinions, and that opinion matters more than others if you have a higher position than others. This is called "corruption".


A good analogy would be the parent who smacks their kid and says "You do NOT smack other people".


DJ and J3TTA "smacked" me for doing what they do alot and said "You do NOT give people hard times or joke around"

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Church got stupid (Just like me and J3TTA admittedly do sometimes), Church got admin removed, Church QQ'd and Quit HG, Churched got flamed, Church QQ'd more, Church got bant, Chuarch showed up to dump more sand out of his vag


I overreacted and removed Church's admin for doing the same thing I repeatedly do along with J3TTA. (Even thought Church has been shown to numerous times to be one of the best admins we've EVER had) I also did this without talking to Church first because I was too lazy to do my job properly. This is also true with Darkilla.


Valid examples are posted in the OP.


-the end




edit: QQ'd moar and moar and moar and moar...........

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