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Story behind your username


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So when you picked your username for the online world,,, what factors in your life contributed to it? is there a story or was it just random? And do you use the same username for everything like i do?

And do you also think that the username defines who you are? or does it simply not matter at all?

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My username came from an old AOL name I used to have. I asked it to random pick me a name, and it came up with TeenRacer6.


My Steam gamename came from watching ATHFCMFFT. Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Movie Film For Theaters. The first song about theater rules by mastadon made me laugh and I wanted a new name, so I went with Linoleum Knive.

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Well, i first started using Cammander (spelled wrong i know) as an online name back when xbox live started out. then i got bullied about the spelling of the name so much that i called up xbox and got it changed to KommanderJ and i put the K in there because i enjoyed Mortal Kombat and they did not use a C in combat. The J is for Josh which is my first name. I think this username keeps me unique because ive played a wide variety of games and some people just know me from my in game name. I use this name for basically everything non school/work related.

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Tommo comes from my english side of my family.

My uncle who is a big wolverhampton(football) supporter and likes to chant the footballers names.

So every time i would go to his house he'd yell "THOMAS, THOOOOMAS" (Even though i dont play football)

But it didnt seem right, so he changed it to "TOMMOOOOO, TOMMOOOOO!"

Ever since my nickname had been Tommo.

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So here's how it went, the first online game I've ever played that was fun was WC3 (Warcraft 3 is a RTS for you nubs out there), I was kinda little when I started and uncreative, so I asked my brother for advice, he gave me my name, Libb, which is my name backwards...spelled incorrectly, which just shows you how stupid my brother is because it wasn't intended.

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before banana pants it was a name i am now ashamed of using and cannot use anymore now that i know its real meaning, before that name it was ninjacopter(bastardized roflcopter), before ninjacopter it was barbarian210(loved all melee classes, barbarian was the most badass), before barbarian it was orc_man12 because i was 12 at the time and loved the orc race in wc3. Banana Pants, well it is a much longer tale to tell.

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