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Non-RTD servers?


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Had a couple of pubs today ask if we had any non-RTD servers, and I told them no. They seemed pretty disappointed about it. Was just wondering if HG has considered making non-RTD servers for TF2 in the past, and if so why they weren't implemented.


RTD seems fun, but to me more of an event night kind of thing, once in a while shenanigans. TF2's gameplay is balanced pretty delicately and RTD messes with that pretty hard. Plus since there's a server or two that I've noticed are pretty low traffic, we could just try things out on there and see what happens, just pair the non-RTD with a classic map or rotation (like 24/7 Dustbowl or DB/GR/BWB or something that is generally pretty popular). Plus, with the new Mann-Conomy update, there's a lot more pubs out there to try to grab and make regulars on HG servers.


Oh, I'm s3rv0 by the way. I'm new. Sorry if this sounds pretentious like, "Oh thanks for accepting my app now here's what you should do." I'm just making a suggestion based on what those pubs said and personal experience that, if one person complains, there are likely many more dissatisfied people who aren't complaining, just leaving instead. And it's just always been my way to look for ways to improve; I came from a community that stagnated for over a year and went from having servers that you had to wait in line for 10 minutes to get into to servers that were almost always empty. Instead of listening to suggestions, or even playing the games their community was based on, the people running the community tended just to be forumwhores and bicker amongst themselves and ignore real problems going on around them. So yeah, lol, glad to be here. :P

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Guest The_Monkey

We've had other servers in the past. I think one was vanilla. They failed. RTD is quite popular. However, there are far more vanilla servers out when compared to RTD servers. While HG would like to corner the TF2 market so to speak, simply proclaiming that we have a vanilla server won't do it. In order for us to seriously consider the possibility of another server, we need to fill our current servers to the max every day all day. Of course, if another official TF2 map is released, we will probably have a 24/7 server running for it initially, till demand dies down.

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Guest The_Monkey
So then how do we go about filling current servers then? There must be some way to improve or actively increase numbers, if the servers themselves aren't attracting the people.


That is an excellent question.


HG's response to that would be offer better benefits for paid admins and supporters. Give repeat visitors a chance to make a home in the server. This is who we cater to. Vanilla server surfers tend not to stay in one place. It is the fun servers that have a cult following. Take a look at our hoodoo server for proof on that.


If you have a better idea, please feel free to share. Any good idea is welcomed ;)

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I try to surf random servers once in a while to see what's going on elsewhere and look for cool stuff like that. Like earlier today, on some random server, if a team won in under a certain time limit, it played "Never Gonna Give you Up" and initiated a votescramble automatically. I couldn't help but laugh, and I was on the team that just got...well, you know.


I've also seen a feature that gives donators any hat they want on that server, and allows them to paint it any color. Interesting incentive, knowing how obsessed some people are with getting THAT ONE HAT THEY MUST HAVE.

Edited by s3rv0
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Also, I've been thinking about whether or not a community like HG could support 1 vanilla server. Something with maps that are always popular, Dustbowl/Badwater/Goldrush in a rotation or something. I mean, I know I like RTD, it's fun, but I do prefer vanilla servers just for the teamwork and the "pure" game. Plus I think just as important as having features that attract regulars is having variety to try to draw in from as many different "crowds" (market segments, for you business nerds) as possible. Thoughts?

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Sweet, thanks. Let me know what happens. Once upon a time I managed a community and it was sort of my hobby to tweak servers around and try to maximize performance and draw in new pubs and all that fun stuff. I enjoy doing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree. RTD is fun, but I wish we had some vanilla servers.


Anyway, any TF2 events coming up?




Any events are posted on the calender. Although all of November's events haven't been put on the calender, and I doubt they've been decided yet. But just check there sometime and they may be up

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