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ohhh my goodness...........


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guys.....wtf. y do u keep banning me on everything...and what does motherrussia mean!!?? and i did not insult the server. i told jjk that i didnt like his map(bcuz he spun around my screen for 10mins!!!) and i did not mean it because obviously if i meant it i would not have been playing that server or map....I LOVE THE SERVER AND MAP and no im not just sucking up im serious but he was messing wit me so i got pissed and told him i did not like his map. but i was not serious. what the heck....so bcuz of that im getting banned like this? at least let me know something before banning me AGAIN. and im sorry jjk for insulting you. (yes i know "final warning") but still. im willing to donate more if it will help anything.

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you've gotta be fucking kidding me..


You're trolling like fucking crazy, I asked weeman on steam to check if you were motherrussia because I had suspicions, then i asked him to ban you. He did so. QQ. You think staff doesn't know who you REALLY ARE? Like weeman said. "Thanks for the donation motherrussia"






also https://hellsgamers.com/threads/38197-September-s-Recruit-Application

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ok i can assure you i am not motherrussia and could you please stop calling me motherrussia....please. and jjk will prob tell you im not this motherrussia kid and proven could prob tell u the same. anyway i have reviewed admin rules and reviewed my chat history given to me by jjk. i understand now FULLY the admin rules now after reviewing them several times and i realise how much of an asshole i was being. i have promised to change my attitude and ways to become a good hg admin and i intend to keep that promise. i will b donating to show my appreciation for the server and its staff. and no i am not doing that just to get unbanned i have been made clear by jjk and proven that by doing that does not make me istantly unbanned and allowed to troll or whatever again and thats is not y i am going to donate. thanks again and sorry for the trouble....now im tired as hell im going to bed.

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