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How to get rid of Preachers at your doorstep?


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I hate to be mean...It kills me to tell anyone no when it comes to things like that..but for one i'm not letting a stranger in my house and number two you just interrupted my CSS game play by ringing my door bell when my husband is sleeping since he had to work over and you got my dark barking like crazy.


So i have no choice but to open the door now to get you to go away and my dog stop barking


They keep freaking talking even after i say IM NOT INTERESTED....I mean am i going to have to cuss them and tell them to get the heck off my property?


I guess i'm going to have to put up a sign on my front door that says NO SOLICITING


Usually its ADT coming by..i've actually had to cuss them..i've called and called and told them to quit sending people out here! We don't need no ADT we have GUNS!


how do you deal with these people besides not answering the door

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The easiest REAL way is to convince them you know just as much if not more about what they're talking about than they do. If they think you're not interested because you don't know about it, then they'll TEACH you about it. But if they get the impression that you are well-versed in whatever it is, then they'll leave you alone. Say things like "Oh yeah I saw that on TV," or "Yeah I think I saw that in the newspaper ad." For LITERAL preachers (Jehovah's Witnesses FYI), share your opinion on the topic at hand, though change it a bit to semi-agree with them. I noticed that most JW's don't care much if you're saved, but just that they're right, so let them be right and they walk away.


Good luck. If all else fails, revert to Adam's suggestion. I find that a Remington with about two shells in it tends to get the point across.

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If you're going to confront or approach people that do not believe likewise, simply ask them to leave and tell them that you do not believe the same (or give them your reasoning).

If they do not, you have a lot of other options to ask them to go. I guess it depends on how tolerant and how busy you are ^_^

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omg the best hahahahaahha

well he said "there are lots of different types of religions out there and we want to tell you which ones are right"


next time i think ill go to the door in lingerie AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH they will be speechless and be holding our shotgun hahahahahahaha


omg hahahaha


omg awesome....


yeah the longer the door goes unanswered the longer that ring the door bell then they start knocking on the door and the dog just won't shut up..... Normally he's at work....

Edited by enigma#
sweet mother of pentaposting
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Tell them that you are Muslim. Or just buy a condo like me :). I used to get these guys at my parent's house all the time since it was in a very wealthy neighborhood and they solicited donations. My parents who are Jewish just told them that they are Jewish through the intercom. Aaah, the joys of having an intercom.

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Here is the best way to respond if you want to see them have a heart attack.


When you open the door and they start talking, respond with "god?" as if you have no idea what they are talking about. Do the same with jesus, like "Jesus? I don't know what you are talking about." When they freak out a bit and start trying to frantically explain to you Christianity just give them a completely puzzled look like "that doesn't make sense at all..." "You mean to say that a snake bit a woman who ate an apple while she was naked and because of that I am a bad person?" and such, then eventually just kind of give them a strange look as if you believe they are mad and you are going to call the police and say "I'm really not interested..." and close the door.

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