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extending the time in game to 7 min


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Honestly i think extending the time would be annoying.. because then that's a minute longer that you have to wait just to re spawn, especially if someone gets killed within the first minute and has to wait 5 minutes in the first place.. ultimately i think it would lead to some rage quitting. Ct's just need to lead faster and better.

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Extending it one minute would be devistating to server population? That seems a bit dramatic. Whats the harm? Try it out and see if you are right. If you are, change it back. We are #1, and would be #1 again. But honestly, I think that most people wouldnt notice if they didnt see this thread. And if it really hurt population so bad, maybe we could get rid of the HLSS kids easier. Just saying, I support a one minute increase.

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Make it so you cant do an opinionated day when there is 10 or more people wanting to play. That would get rid of like half the rounds that run out of time and fail.


EDIT: i wouldnt mind another min. The only bad thing about it would be me raging even harder when i die for accidently letting go of my shift key for a split sec and getting AWPed for not crouch walking.

Edited by TheCakeLord
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It is terrible enough already to wait in JB if you get killed early, and it is worse since half of the Ts get killed immediately because of stupid beginning of round orders that are designed to confuse people.


+1 minute would only work if there was an end to all trap-like orders, which will likely never happen despite how annoying and not a game they are.

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It is terrible enough already to wait in JB if you get killed early, and it is worse since half of the Ts get killed immediately because of stupid beginning of round orders that are designed to confuse people.


+1 minute would only work if there was an end to all trap-like orders, which will likely never happen despite how annoying and not a game they are.


No. Stupid t's get t's killed. Not level 1 word tarps. I mean seriously is it that hard to remember a simple word or phrase?

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It is easy to not be paying attention for a moment and then be killed. Traps are only fun for the CT, and they are an easy way to get rid of a lot of people quickly. Ts should die in a game, not from simple traps meant to reduce their numbers. Come up with good and interesting games, or even invent a trap day (which would essentially be evil simon says). When leads resort to using simple traps at the beginning of every round it just shows that they have become lazy and want to watch Ts die.

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Im against the idea - being a consistently rebelling T i genrelly die pretty quick and 1 minute would deffo make the difference between a rage quit and a patient wait. Leave it as it is and its all good :)

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I'd say 30 seconds or maybe make it so as soon as LR starts a one minute timer starts so if theres 6 minutes left, everyone dies, the last 2 ts only get a minute or 2 minutes to LR. dont know if thats possible


This is actually a pretty damn good idea lol. If there's only 2 seconds left when you get to LR, it gets extended to one minute so they get to have their fun, yet if there's 4 minutes left, it gets cut so they can't force everyone to wait.

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I like laz idea a good lead can either get !lr with decent time for the last two T's or have such a fun epic day that everyone enjoys who cares about the !lr.


IMO as long as people are having fun with the games or the server I don't care for more time its fine the way it is. Then again this would give me a chance to test out more games I been thinking of that take more time. :D

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