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Guest Batters

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Guest Batters

What is the point of donating $1? :L I bet only like $0.2 only goes to you guys! :L I think someone was trying to buy promotion! :L

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well donation is donation and it must go more that 0.2.lol.


depends how it was donated. if it was credit card it would be about 20 pence (if it was £1 donated). paypal would make it about 65 pence and then depends on debit card account for that. either way not much point really :P





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... Macroeconomics bud. If every member of HG donated 1 dollar, there would be (by your logic of .2 cents per dollar) still over 136.4 bucks just from that. While that in itself STILL isn't much, after the regular donators (btw you're WELCOME :DDD) it comes out to a significant amount most likely beating the donation goal.


In other words, don't judge the man who gives the beggar 50 cents when you can't give him a penny.

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dont get me wrong i know it will add up if everyone did it, but still. i think part of my scepticsm is the fact that he has tried to apply to be a full member recently then donates $1. fair enough $5 but $1 cant really get people saying thanks to him or whatever


and laz i do donate, $15 for admin on (or near) the last day of every month)

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