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Wingless, prejudge much? =)


Hilly's song is "chopped and screwed". A style of rap that came from the South.


People say rap is bad, and its not music. Maybe most. Yes. But you can say the same thing about every other genre of music, about how a lot of it is bad. Especially mainstream music.


K. Thanks. Bye.


Edit: Oh and uhh... Haters gon hate..... And hes representing HG!

Edited by Bearthug
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rap is bad, and its not music.




Really, I have more of a problem with the culture associated with rap and its proliferation of just about everything that is wrong with society than the genre itself. Yes, it's a largely talentless genre. Innate to it, and probably on purpose, most of the "beats" are just recycled or outright stolen drum track loops, and the "lyrics" aren't far from the same. I'm going to use blanket terms for hyperbole and humor's sake, but anyone should be able to pick up that it's in jest.


Anyway, I won't knock this particular track because it has HG plastered all over it.

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