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We should have Texas Hold'em Server


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Play for money? Hmmm that actually would be good if 5% commision out of the winning pot would go to community account... Not its like hundreds of dollars but always something...


This is a very good idea


im a pokerstars champ


but 21 for gambling remember that so alot of ppl would be out depending on what we did the server on


You don't have to be 21 to gamble. You have to be 18

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I understand Hallwagner, u trying to say we are fucked, lol. But it doesnt have to be gambling site. Lets say, any1 who makes donation 10$ or more will get access to our monthly poker tournament. Play money of course. 1st place u will get an admin on all servers, 2nd admin on jailbreak, iceworld, and d2 servers, 3rd d2 only... Thats just an example... We dont have to really involve money to get some adrenaline, but at least we could support community more...

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I understand Hallwagner, u trying to say we are fucked, lol. But it doesnt have to be gambling site. Lets say, any1 who makes donation 10$ or more will get access to our monthly poker tournament. Play money of course. 1st place u will get an admin on all servers, 2nd admin on jailbreak, iceworld, and d2 servers, 3rd d2 only... Thats just an example... We dont have to really involve money to get some adrenaline, but at least we could support community more...


not tryin to say we're fucked. i'm just saying that we should be careful and make sure to follow all the laws and regulations regarding internet gambling. lol, we don't want the cyber cops to bust us! :P

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I just saw it Homer. It will be fun. Just afraid some of pps will be dissapointed. Freaking gamblers! Lol. Good job tho.


P.S I was playing an hour. Its cool. Just one question. Are you going to place a link on main web or we have to go to forum everytime?

Edited by BlackJack
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