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Everyone can say "Called it"

After the fact

Half the ones saying that did nothing to help and catch him.

You just said "OMG Narwhals cheats" and left it at that.


Narwhals was mature enough to admit it and all you guys are doing are being dicks about it

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Everyone can say "Called it"

After the fact

Half the ones saying that did nothing to help and catch him.

You just said "OMG Narwhals cheats" and left it at that.


Narwhals was mature enough to admit it and all you guys are doing are being dicks about it


I don't know Nick, I'm pretty sure I've seen threads about him with demos that staff said they were looking at. Also, I wouldn't exactly call him mature. I mean, he only hacked in the first place then lied to everyone's face about it this entire time. No Biggy...

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Narwhals, I'm not really anyone and idk if we ever got along after gmod times, but I'm proud of you for fessing up finally. It takes a LOT to admit that you cheated.


If i have a say in it, I welcome you back to HG with open arms (with a new steam acc ;p), and wish you the best of luck.


Hopefully you can provide an example for some of the recruits/members that have been cheating and hiding it, and making them see that the truth actually does set you free.

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I don't know Nick, I'm pretty sure I've seen threads about him with demos that staff said they were looking at. Also, I wouldn't exactly call him mature. I mean, he only hacked in the first place then lied to everyone's face about it this entire time. No Biggy...


There are demos, but some of those posting "Called it" did not record said demos

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Everyone can say "Called it"

After the fact

Half the ones saying that did nothing to help and catch him.

You just said "OMG Narwhals cheats" and left it at that.


Narwhals was mature enough to admit it and all you guys are doing are being dicks about it


Maybe if we actually auto record on srctv we wouldn't have this issue.



I ain't no snitch.

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Guest Batters

It takes when brave shut to own up to a community like this where your name is well known to admit you are cheating! Narwhals of course we are going to be disappointed but we will get over it! Thank you for owning up and learn your lesson! As (I think iprtrer) said I would welch you basic with open arms as you did apologise for it! Thank you!

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It takes when brave shut to own up to a community like this where your name is well known to admit you are cheating! Narwhals of course we are going to be disappointed but we will get over it! Thank you for owning up and learn your lesson! As (I think iprtrer) said I would welch you basic with open arms as you did apologise for it! Thank you!


what the fuck.. did you type that out on your phone? autosuggest?

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Guest Batters
what the fuck.. did you type that out on your phone? autosuggest?

Got it in one! My ipod is completly fucked to the extent it doenst even know where i am typing! nearly got used to it hence most of it makes sense but not all. Auto suggest is fucked as well. stupid american and german languages confusing it :P

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For you guys that just trolled him on this, really shows your guys maturity as well. He apologized, what is done is done. It will be up staff/council if he is able to rejoin hg. If he wants to play on our servers he needs to get a new stead id. Thread closed to prevent "mature" trolling.

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I know this thread is closed, but I wanted to add that the way you went about saying sorry is great. You were mature in your thread and that I am happy about. Not even going to mention the cheating, but either way ..thank you for being mature when apologizing.


For those who wrote terrible comments in this thread ... :( is all I have to say.


Good luck in your travels Narwals. :) Hope to see you again.

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