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College Performing Arts Audition Number

Kurosaki Ichigo

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As many of you know, I am currently studying acting right now at a community college and I'm ready to go a 4 year university studying acting/musical theater. So I have 2 auditions coming up, that I would like to share with the public and with HG. My first audition is at a university that is about 30 minutes away from where I live (University of South Florida) and my second audition is at a very top performing arts university in New York (Julliard School of Performing Arts) I would also like to share with you the song I have chosen to do for my audition number. This song is from the movie Tarzan and it's called "You Will Be In My Heart" By Phil Collins. This song means alot to me because 3 years ago my close close aunt passed away and I sang this song at the funeral, so the reason I'm doing this song is because of her and because Ive worked so hard on this piece. I will keep you guys posted as to my status with my two auditions. As of now, I do not know when my auditions will be because I have yet to receive any type of information as to when my auditions will be. So yeah... wish me luck!!! Oh and by the way, my major is going to be Acting/Musical Theater.

Edited by Kurosaki Ichigo
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Update: I just received information on my 2nd audition up in New York at Julliard School of Performing Arts. My audition will be on June 15th-16th. I'm so excited for this because this is the moment I have been waiting for. As I said earlier, I let you guys know the results of my two auditions. Wish me luck!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday (05/02/11) I did my audition early in the morning because I had some other important things to take care of. I was very nervous and I have a good feeling that I did pretty well. Now I have one more audition left and that I will find out which college I have been accepted to.

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