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Killing Floor Giveaway!


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I have an extra copy of Killing Floor since I bought it in December, and bought the potato sack. Just post something nothing generic (or maybe so?). Just tell me why you would want it.

P.S. This is NOT in any way shape or form copying Jessica's thread AT ALL!

Only post once please.

I will be deciding sometime this Saturday. Winner will be posted on this thread.

Winner is announced on last page!

Edited by Solveitwithguns
Post, Deciding, winner
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Dear Solveitwithguns,


I want it, because me and my buddy want to play together. This has been an on-going situation, and my friend suggested me to buy it during the potato sack sale, when it went 10 bucks. I could not afford it at the time, since I was literally down to 3 bucks in my paypal, and I had to pay off mortgage loans on my car that my parents co-signed. I get a very low pay :(, about 9 bucks an hour. I can barely pay for what I want, and I hope you actually take time to read this.


I can tell that you can tell that I really want Killing Floor :]




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