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GG Server


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Dear HG,


I would like you guys to work more on your dedicated box because the registration is the worst one I ever played in my entire life. This message is not to offend you or anything. I just wanted you to know how I feel about that server. Good job to those who configured the server. Best GG Server so far, only thing you guys could change is the registration.


My name on your server is: AoT [!] Russian #xxxxxxxxx (Since you guys do not allow advertisment).



Artur "Russian" Minacov

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The gun game server is one of the best we have. If we get it populated I could spend a little extra on it so we can have a awesome server but that it has to have a good amount of people on it all the time. As far as reg goes I've never had a problem but to each is own. I'll look into it when I'm off work, and thank your for your respectful criticism! It really helps when people come on and are respectful. Also im glad you like the server spread the word homie.

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The gun game server is one of the best we have. If we get it populated I could spend a little extra on it so we can have a awesome server but that it has to have a good amount of people on it all the time. As far as reg goes I've never had a problem but to each is own. I'll look into it when I'm off work, and thank your for your respectful criticism! It really helps when people come on and are respectful. Also im glad you like the server spread the word homie.


No problem. I know how hard it is to make servers run as smooth as possible. I will try to help you guys as much as I can.


I've had no problems with it either, in fact the reg seems much better than other servers.


Strange. I do not know if you already played on a good server with "perfect" registration, but for me, this server has pretty bad registration. I know a lot about registration since I own a hosting company. I just wanted to mention that I find it not normal that this server does not really register our shots, that is why I put the blame on the dedicated box on which this server is installed. Root Administrator should take a look on the configuration and try to change few stuff. I could help, but I am very busy lately.

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The gungame eventscript code is very heavy on the server and degrades hit registration somewhat. It cannot be "perfect". Also this server is hosted by NFO, so no root access. I personally like the server.

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The gungame eventscript code is very heavy on the server and degrades hit registration somewhat. It cannot be "perfect". Also this server is hosted by NFO, so no root access. I personally like the server.


Well just shared my opinion on the server Brad :) You know I always like you. Helped me understand a lot during Quantum-Servers time. Anyways, thanks for at least reading guys :) Good Community.

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Ummmm.... I play on GG quite a bit... It's actually one of the best servers for reg. All the maps are small and fairly simple.... I would say check ping...... if not that, maybe FPS lag..... Office on the other hand....... LOL.....

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Ummmm.... I play on GG quite a bit... It's actually one of the best servers for reg. All the maps are small and fairly simple.... I would say check ping...... if not that, maybe FPS lag..... Office on the other hand....... LOL.....


My ping was between 25-35. No FPS lag. Anyways, I guess I am the only one who see that the reg is not that good. Anyways, I do not really care, just I enjoyed playing on the server.


whats reg? its called a i7 nerd


Not sure what does that supposed to mean. No offence.

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