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R.I.P Wendell You will be missed but never forgotten!!!!!!


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I am so heartbroken right now.... My younger brother Wendell was murdered in cold blood by his ex-wife. They have 3 children all boys. It happen 6-8-11 at 9:30 a.m. in Ponder,Tx He was trying to get back with her for the children. I told him countless times that she was'nt any good for him. But i really understand the phrase love is blind. He had full custody of the kids and wanted thier mom to be apart of the boys lives even though he didn't have to and she killed him. I have been with HG for a long time and i know it's just a game,but i have met alot of really good people in HG and feel you guys are an extended family for me. I just wanted to tell you guys hi and let people who know me kinda what is going on. Telk with you guys later. Sorry i have not been on in so long.

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You should feel no obligation to apologize for not being here when you have your own issues to deal with. While most of us will never understand what you are going through right now, know that you will have this community's support. We will all hit our own rough patches in life, but that is what makes us stronger people. These things remind us how fragile life really is, and how much we should cherish one another for the short time we are here. It seems like this is something your brother understood and took to heart. It sounds like he was a wonderful person. Hopefully your nephews will follow in his footsteps. The world could use more good people like your brother.


I am truly sorry for your loss, and remember that our thoughts and deepest condolences are with you.

Edited by Zapp
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Fuck, god sakes this world is so messed up........


I feel your pain, I lost a friend last year to a heart attack at 26. He was basically my brother even though we weren't related at all. Something that cold........just give me the chills. If you need ANYTHING msg me on forums or steam if you wanna talk or if you need anything. A laugh or whatever, ill be thinking about your family. R.I.P Wendell

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sorry for your lose bro, hope everything gets better man, keep your spirit up and bond with your family, not sure if your like me but anytime something in my life happens family is always there for me. You got a whole community of people here for you man, Keep your chin up

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