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Giving away 1 copy of GTA: SA!


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Hey guys, if you don't already know Steam has a sale on GTA: San Andreas for $3.75 and I'm willing to buy a copy for 1 person! I know it's an old game but meh and it's on sale :P


To enter for a chance to win, all you have to do is say can I have a free copy of GTA: SA please? *cough* read this sentence carefully *cough* ;)


To determine who will get it, I will assign each person with a number starting from 1 and I will then ask one of my family members to pick a number between 1-x. Whichever number gets picked will get the copy :D


Only 1 post per person please, as you can only get 1 entry.


You only have 3 hours from the creation of this thread to enter as the Steam Deal is only on for a bit less than 6 hours so get in quick!


ALSO: to make it easier to gift you a copy if you win just add me on Steam when you post so I don't have to wait for a friend request when the time comes. I will not be gifting it after the deal is over.




[spoiler=Press it you won't]In case you don't win the copy you can add a joke to your post and I will be the decider of who gets the extra copy :D

If you win the first copy you will not be considered for this extra copy. The rules of entry are the same as the first entry for the first copy: only 3 hours to enter and add me on Steam, etc.


Edited by Angel Descends
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can I have a free copy of GTA: SA please?


Awesome Jokes: Chuck Norris does not wear a condom. Because there is no such thing as protection from Chuck Norris.


Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.


Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.


Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.


Saudi Arabia Jokes:


These four guys were walking down the street, a Saudi, a Russian, a North Korean, and a New Yorker.


A reporter comes running up and says, “Excuse me, what is your opinion about the meat shortage?”


The Saudi says, “What’s a shortage?”


The Russian says, “What’s meat?”


The North Korean says, “What’s an opinion?”


The New Yorker, says, “Excuse me?? What’s excuse me?”


Another Joke ----

An Arab man was at United States immigration office for interview. Immigration asked him following questions.



-Abdul Saiid Wahad.


-Four times a week.

No, no - male, female?

-Male, female, sometimes camel.


Jokes on JB -

Justin Beiber goes to the park and sits on a bench

A 20 year old woman walks up to him and says : excuse me little girl do you Know were the justin beiber hater club is.


The biggest lie ever told: When the doctor came into Mrs. Bieber's hospital room and said "Congratulations. It's a boy."


If Justin Bieber went missing, 95% of girls would cry, 4% would celebrate. I'd be the 1% jabbing my new cellmate with a plastic spoon


Justin Bieber used to be a Dog trainer. All he had to do was sing and any dog within a 34 mile radius would come flying.


I called Justin Bieber gay, and he slapped me with his purse.


Soviet Russia Jokes ----


In America, you pee in toilet. In Soviet Russia, toilet pee on YOU!


In America, you update blog. In Soviet Russia, blog updates YOU!


In Matrix, you bend spoon.... In Soviet Russia, spoon bends YOU!


In America, you find where is Waldo. In Soviet Russia, Waldo finds where is YOU!


In America, you pwn n00b; in Soviet Russia, n00bs pwn YOU!


In America, you play with dog... In Soviet Russia, Dog plays YOU!


Here is a Video that is a joke xD and i find it funny!



Edited by S.T.A.L.K.E.R
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Hint: all you have to say in your post is-> can I have a free copy of GTA: SA please? The joke is optional but gives you a better chance of winning a copy.

You guys need to play Jailbreak more often :P


ALSO: to make it easier to gift you a copy if you win just add me on Steam when you post so I don't have to wait for a friend request when the time comes.

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can I have a free copy of GTA: SA please?




1.)A 40 year old woman got plastic surgery and now she looks like 20 years old.

So she went to a barber and said, "How old do you think I am?". The barber said "Your 30?". Then the woman said, "No,I'm 40".

Again she went to Burger King and asked the cashier, "How old do you think I am?". The cashier said, "Your 25?". Then the woman said,

No I'm 40.


Then the woman asked a guy the same question, the guy said, "Let me touch your you know,really it works for me everytime.". So after 30

minutes the guy answered, "Your 40." "HOLY SHIT HOW'D YOU KNOW?" said the woman. The guy said, "I was behind you in Burger King." XD


2.)Three guys were drunk and were walking by a piece of shit

One guys took the shit and said "This looks like shit" the other said *licks it* "This tastes like shit" and the last one said *smells it" "This smells like shit". Then the three said, "Good thing we didn't step on it" XD

Edited by Ethan Mars
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Congratulations [HG] Ethan Mars and S.T.A.L.K.E.R! I will gift a copy of GTA: SA to you guys shortly.


btw, I wasn't going to uphold the "can I have a free copy of GTA: SA please? *cough* read this sentence carefully *cough*" thing, I just wanted to see who's a derp and not. Advanced tarp is advanced ;)


New Official HG Derps are:



-[HG] VeN


--hg- Bringit1

-[HG] Ethan Mars


-[HG] g1L

-HG | mccaincracker


Congratulations HG | JessicaJoy! You're not a derp so you also get a free copy of GTA: SA! Add me on Steam nao!



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