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Pfff get rolled son.


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SO I am selling my TV I haven't used in a week for PC parts(OHH WHAT PC GAMING DOES TO YER')on eBay and I actually got it to sell for like $350. So they person decides that he'd rather pay threw a Payment Request on PayPal rather than eBay itself. So I send him a request and these are the 4 emails I get back on my hotmail in order:

1. Seems normal...


2. Notice top left corner it says that "PayPal" is offline. lolz. Also, the the email is from: "[email protected]"...


3. Poor English and grammar, and also I am selling a TV, not a "Buescher alto sax". Same email btw...


4. The email is from "[email protected]". Enough said about that. Also again with the poor English and grammar...



And so I almost got scammed by a 12 year old...

*Soft Woman's Voice* Theeeee Eeeeennnndddd....


And so if you ever get suspicious situations like this always check the English / Quality of the email, and check who the email is actually from.

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