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How did HG catch your eye?


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Im not going to lie the name is the first thing that caught my attention but others made me want to join the clan. I have enjoyed playing the TF2 maps/servers. While IG I have only had one incident with a player that was cheating and totally ruined the game. All in all the group is very well maintained and put together. The admins have been really cool and helpful seeing how I am very new lol. Thanks for letting me in and I look forward to fun times ahead...Hoorah!!

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I admit I first found HG through Jailbreak. I had just actually learned what Jb was and electric_razor_v2 was a very boring map, so I looked up the most full JB server and it was HG. Played there for a couple weeks to get familer, then looked into joining, and since there were no tryouts (I used to suck 10x worse than I do now.) I joined.


And here I am now.

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