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I just got off the phone with the University of Phoenix, and they were talking to me about going into their Web and Game design classes and they said they're gonna set me up with classes that start at the end of September and I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited like omg I'm gonna explode with excitedness

IDK how to contain it all I just feel like screaming it out to the whole world

So this dizyvipr is gonna start college soon, WEWT <3<3<3

This calls for the epicness


dancing peppers!!!


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Cool stuff, but a word of warning: degrees from UoP aren't taken very seriously by employers(neither are ITT and DeVry). By that, I mean a lot of them don't consider it to be a real degree and automatically toss your resume. You'd be better off going to the local community college and save yourself a shitload of money.


Trade schools sound like an awesome idea when you're young, and particularly if you aren't a huge fan of school. It sounds great: you get to go and mostly only learn about whatever your interest is at the time and skip all the "useless stuff". But those "useless, boring" classes that you get to skip/gloss over in trade schools are some of the most important ones. They reshape you as a person. They introduce new ideas you've never considered. You'll have your eyes opened to new things and different places and will probably end up changing what you want as a career at least once. When you go to a trade school, you skip all of that and rush through a tunnel-visioned program that pigeonholes you into one job that you might not even like in a few years, and basically leaves you lacking a well rounded knowledge and skill base. That's the reason their degrees aren't taken seriously by a lot of employers.


Anyways, just some advice...take it or leave it. Good luck either ways.


P.S. Everyone who can get approved for a loan gets accepted. It's a for-profit school.

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Cool stuff, but a word of warning: degrees from UoP aren't taken very seriously by employers(neither are ITT and DeVry). By that, I mean a lot of them don't consider it to be a real degree and automatically toss your resume. You'd be better off going to the local community college and save yourself a shitload of money.


Trade schools sound like an awesome idea when you're young, and particularly if you aren't a huge fan of school. It sounds great: you get to go and mostly only learn about whatever your interest is at the time and skip all the "useless stuff". But those "useless, boring" classes that you get to skip/gloss over in trade schools are some of the most important ones. They reshape you as a person. They introduce new ideas you've never considered. You'll have your eyes opened to new things and different places and will probably end up changing what you want as a career at least once. When you go to a trade school, you skip all of that and rush through a tunnel-visioned program that pigeonholes you into one job that you might not even like in a few years, and basically leaves you lacking a well rounded knowledge and skill base. That's the reason their degrees aren't taken seriously by a lot of employers.


Anyways, just some advice...take it or leave it. Good luck either ways.


P.S. Everyone who can get approved for a loan gets accepted. It's a for-profit school.



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A few quick things...

1) People are not bashing you for your desire to go to school, but rather your school of choice (UofP).

2) If people make you feel shitty about your direction in life by saying UofP might not be the best school, grow up before college. You are not a beautiful unique individual snowflake, you are a kid who likes gaming and thinks a career in it would be fun. You probably can not already code and have no background other than that you like playing games. Seriously? I like blowjobs and sex, but I didn't go into porn.

3) Do some research, UofP is NOT that great, and its credits do not often transfer to other "real" colleges later if you choose to get serious about your education.

4) If you like game design, learn about it first. Learn 3d modeling, action scripting (3d movement and ai logic based), UI design, various networking issues, etc. Don't be the kid with no experience who wants to be made into an expert by the likes of UofP. It won't happen.

5) Consider that local community colleges would be around the same cost as UofP (source). You would probably be better served with an Associates Degree in Applied Arts (AAA) than a 'specialized' online game design degree...(also an AAA/AAS)

6) People that make games do NOT go to the UofP, they go to real schools or skip school because they already are pro at what they do. UofP Game Design grads probably find entry level helpdesk as their career paths. Sad but true.


/Not hatin'

//Started college as a computer programmer (with experience), switched away from it once I learned about the actual work field...

///Community colleges provide the BEST value for general education classes outside of your REAL major. Look into it. Srsly.

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2) If people make you feel shitty about your direction in life by saying UofP might not be the best school, grow up before college. You are not a beautiful unique individual snowflake, you are a kid who likes gaming and thinks a career in it would be fun. You probably can not already code and have no background other than that you like playing games. Seriously? I like blowjobs and sex, but I didn't go into porn.


Actually I do have some background. It may not be a whole lot but I do have some. To top it off, I don't plan on becoming some super genius expert at making video games.

Yes I am still a kid, and I get upset easily by people, but I'm not super hardcore "no one can touch me because this is what I want to do" kind of person. I'm self conscious person trying to get on with her life just like 20 million other people in the world.

I'm not attending UoP strictly for the degree in that field...I'm attending so I can learn more about that field in the things I like doing, and already do, on a daily basis.

Plus I'm not planning on going to only one college my whole life. Throughout my life I plan on going to several colleges and taking courses that I'm interested in so if one field fails and I can't do it then I have others to look to.

To top it off, I'm still keeping my options open. It's not 100% that I'll be for sure attending UoP (inb4 then why make this stupid thread), I was just overly excited that I was actually accepted in to a college. Right now I'm also looking at the Art Institute of San Francisco and a couple others. But I do honestly like the idea of UoP and the people I've talked to there are really nice and I could easily adapt....but as stated...I'm keeping my options open.

And, as Jake- has stated...I also know people who are attending UoP or have attended UoP and they are really successful in life.

I'm also planning on talking to people who are professionals in all of the areas I'm interested in (not just for game and web design) instead of taking advice from a bunch of people in a clan online (no offence) when I don't even know any of you or what you do in real life.


tl;dr - I know what I'm doing, you don't have to keep bashing UoP :) kthx

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I don't think anyone's intention was to directly attack you or your decision, but rather warn you of what you're getting yourself into. If anything you should be appreciative of those who gave enough of a shit to say something about it.


It's unwise to instantly cling to a school just because they've accepted you. Have you done research on the weight of a degree from the University of Phoenix? Have you read student reviews? If you had, you would've already been aware of their reputation and none of the responses in this thread would've surprised you.


Throughout my life I plan on going to several colleges and taking courses that I'm interested in so if one field fails and I can't do it then I have others to look to.


It almost sounds as if you're unsure of what you *really* want to do, and if that's the case, it'd be best to aim for an Associate degree in general studies for now while you explore your interests. You can always study independently in your areas of interest while you're attending community college, too; that way you can learn a fair bit about the fields without spending money. Just a suggestion.


Also, be wary of the Art Institute, and as with any other school, DO YOUR RESEARCH. I heard the credits are extremely difficult to transfer, and that may be problematic for you since you "plan to go to several colleges." The Academy of Art University is also in San Francisco. I took a few classes there and had a good experience; pricey as fuck, but aren't all art schools?


Honestly, it DOESN'T sound like you know what you're doing. Instead of taking immediate offense to that, you should really think about the steps you're taking to "get on with your life." Choosing a school isn't about snatching up the first one that shows interest. I'm sure you don't want to regret your decision years later.


And come on, if there's legitimate reason to "bash" a school (and there IS for this case), it's something you should take seriously.

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I do know what I'm doing. I know the things I want to do, I just have plans for if one of them doesn't make it. Just because one person doesn't have only one goal, or one passion, doesn't mean they don't know what they want to do. First and foremost I want to learn more about web design and game design. If that doesn't work out Fashion design. If that doesn't work out I want to go into art...y'know...drawing, sculpting, and all of that stuff that i love doing. I'd rather get all the schooling for it when I can rather than wait for one thing to fail.

And I have done my "research" on UoP. My mom takes classes there as well and she's doing just fine. My best friend's mom took classes there and she's successful as well. I'm not saying I don't take anyone saying its a bad school seriously, but I've seen different results from what they're talking about and quite honestly IMO when someone is happy that they're moving forward with their life and then someone else comes in saying "oh you don't know what you're doing, that's not much of an achievement at all" (not saying that's exactly what they're saying) then to me that's kind of a dick ish move. First off...they could have worded what they wanted to say in a much less of a dickish way. Second...and I've already said this...I've seen different results than what they're talking about.

And I'm not taking the first school that snatches up my interest. If you read I said I'm keeping my options open. At this point I've only discussed what the schools are about and I'll chose the one best for ME. Not the one that has the best reputation or the best degrees in the world.

I've been looking into schools all day just as I will tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day...etc. Even if it may seem to some people like I run blind into situations, I really don't. I have a group of incredibly smart people supporting me and helping me with my decisions, giving their two cents on everything I do already. I don't need HG to come in here and tell me that I'm "a kid who likes gaming and thinks a career in it would be fun." and that I "probably can not already code and have no background other than that like playing games." When they know nothing about me, my background, or what I can and can not do. Because THAT is offensive.





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