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Where were you on Sept. 11, 2001?


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I was walking down the stairs and my mum was standing in the living room while watching the television saying "oh my god."

I went down and looked at the TV and it showed a smoke cloud coming out of some tower.

Went to school and they put it on the TVs at school and we watched it crash and what not.


What an odddddddddddd day.

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I was in 5th grade. We were at the library reading up topics for the year's science fair projects when everyone started looking at the nearest television. Dad came and picked me up, and I didn't really know what was going on until the next day.


10 years. Lest we forget...

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I was actually in NYC at my dad's office in 1 New York Plaza. Didn't go to school that day because I wanted to skip out on a test. It was the scariest thing I saw in my life. I didn't see the first plane hit but I heard it and right after it hit, my dad called the car and as we were driving back home I saw the second plane hit. Couldn't get past the GWB so we just left the car and walked the bridge. Very bad day for the family. Afterwards, we found out that my dad lost one of his closest friends who was in the South Tower.



Edited by Billy Mays
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I was in first grade I 8:50 we were outside on the playground and me and my brother playing tag! Then my dad told me when he picked us up from school and told us in the car " Really bad thing terrible happened today in the world". We were just playing with lego's trying to build a car dealer with some cardboard boxes like our own city. my mom came home from had face expression I never saw it again. I will never forget this day.

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