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Stupid firefox


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Since last month having issues with firefox.


problem 1

when i start it it runs good, after a while then it starts laggy, like i click and it click after 2 sec or more, and when i close firefox and start again then it works fine for a while and then same thing.


cleared all cache cookies and stuff, uninstalled and reinstalled same problem.


problem 2

since yesterday when i click on any link on zhost it gives me this page



but can download and works fine in ie.

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Based on your screenshot, it looks like it is interpretting your pictures information as literal data. The browser is supposed to parse it as a picture.


Sounds like a corrupt installation typically. I'm running 7.0.1 and do not suffer from this problem.

A complete clean installation like they've said is definitely needed.


Check your file associations in Control Panel. Make sure Windows is mapped correctly and associated to Firefox.



Should look like this.


Secondly, are you able to see pictures from other sites like imgur, flickr etc..

As for the slowness, you may want to consider utilising a few of their recommended tweaks:



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Tools --> Options --> Apps --> Set the .DEM and .JPG .JPEG .PNG to "Always ask"


That's the way to download files. Your Firefox open the .DEM file in your browser.


its default like this , also i can open zhost pics fine just demos




yep looks like this


btw didnt lagg after doing tweaks, but demo still funny page

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If they are demos, they are probably associated to firefox


You can reset user preferences to the default values by manually removing the preferences file prefs.js from the profile folder, as follows. (This will not affect any data stored in other files, such as toolbar data stored in the "localstore.rdf" file or any file-opening associations stored in the "mimeTypes.rdf" file.)


Try deleting it and restarting.

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