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My TF2 Gamefaces. (The story of Dwight Howard)

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So, while I was playing TF2 with a few of you, I noticed my face changed dramatically through out the night.


I started off with a face like this:




I LITERALLY turned into Dwight Howard. It was epic.

I then decided to hit up a trade server to get a few things and kids were trying to rip me off. (At least I think, I wouldn't know the difference.) And my face became more fixed.




After that! I headed back into the server with the guys and I went back to being Dwight.

Soon, we hopped to a new server and ran into this Reebo guy and that's when shit got real. He always seemed to be on the opposite team of myself and it was terrible. He was too damn good! I got super mad.




And then finally I relaxed and got off TF2 and now I am about to go watch a movie, in which, I will return to being Dwight Howard.




This is a BooT production.

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lol Boot. get moar skills and you wouldnt have to rage :P

But this was madness. I would be walking in the middle of nowhere and he would be there for whatever reason!

Backstabbed me and took over my (awesome) character layout(Eternal Reward).


Mad jelly, I definitely need to start playing TF2 often again.

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I can relate to Reebo, Boot, for never have I had so much fun as I did watching you run around your stage two spawn in hoodoo with your bushwacka yelling about how you were gonna get me back. Aaahhh, good times, good times... You make TF2 that much more fun for all of us.

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