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What computer skills do you have?


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  • 1 month later...

I currently know a bit of a lot of programming languages. I am best at:


- Python

- Java

- C++

- Perl

- EventScripts <-- Integrates Python though, so doesn't really count.


I know more than your average person about computers, and it's something I really enjoy, so if you ever have a computer problem feel free to PM me (I wonder if that's considered advertising... JK lol)


Obviously, I'm a little bit of a grammar freak. I am a quick typer with an average typing speed of 120WPM. I am pretty good at mental math which helps a lot when you are programming (creating equations is easier when you can test them in your head).


Just thought I'd poke my head in here. New to HG's forums.

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Im 14. I have a photoshop, html, css and javascript certificates. I am fully qualified in photoshop, dreamweaver and starting to get a qualification in microsoft expression web 4. I also have a job, obviously in web and graphic design.


And how do you join the DEV team, would love to help. Can someone post a link to the thread or who do I message?

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Im 14. I have a photoshop, html, css and javascript certificates. I am fully qualified in photoshop, dreamweaver and starting to get a qualification in microsoft expression web 4. I also have a job, obviously in web and graphic design.


And how do you join the DEV team, would love to help. Can someone post a link to the thread or who do I message?

You must be in HG. You could ask staff in teamspeak if there are any openings, but here is the thread https://hellsgamers.com/threads/15807-Want-to-be-on-the-Dev-Team. If there is a spot open staff will bump the thread saying so.

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You must be in HG. You could ask staff in teamspeak if there are any openings, but here is the thread https://hellsgamers.com/threads/15807-Want-to-be-on-the-Dev-Team. If there is a spot open staff will bump the thread saying so.


Thanks Bob, I have been talking to staff about it and here is my clan app if you want to comment on it: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46681-ENIGM0-s-Recruit-Application?p=268700#post268700

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Im 14. I have a photoshop, html, css and javascript certificates. I am fully qualified in photoshop, dreamweaver and starting to get a qualification in microsoft expression web 4. I also have a job, obviously in web and graphic design.


And how do you join the DEV team, would love to help. Can someone post a link to the thread or who do I message?


Damn kids with their interwebs jobs.

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  • 1 month later...

I took a year of Raw HTML, covered Microsoft total suite over 4 years, competed nationally with Business Professionals of America in Database administration and have placed in the top ten. I have done hundreds of hours of clerical work, administrative work, about a thousand hours coding of C++, VB.NET, LUA, HTML, CSS, and JAVA (none of which I became more fluent in then C++). I have about eight hundred hours using Microsoft Photodraw and Photoshop on a personal basis, and have many many more "Professional" based skills (human resourcing, contemporary speech, business meal etiquette, management, etc.) all through attending the conferences with BPA for six years, I also return to proctor and grade for my local chapter and region still.


((I would like to mention, coding, I would probably be completely failing with it now, it has been a couple years since school and have since thrown out my coding days, I found it far to depressing and have taken a more laborious approach with my career life and have been studying carpentry and electrical wiring, so no time for coding, let alone gaming, and the Photoshop I could probably still manage with some ease depending on the job.))

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I have 3 years home experience on different distros of Linux, I've ran a dedicated for hosting in the past. I know quite a bit of Perl, and HTML. I can read any source code and find the errors if they are there( its normally always something retarded simple ).


P.S.: Now that steam is on iOS and Android maybe they will finally port at least CS:S to Linux.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I´m a graphics designer, motion grapher nd illustrator so i can handle photoshop, after effects, illustrator, toon boom studio, some autodesk sketch up nd corel painter x. I used to have some html, xml nd css skills but not anymore i totally forgot everything about webpages programing,

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I'm horrible when it comes to most programming languages (save old-school HTML and a little Perl), but pretty much anything hardware is a cinch for me. Everything from building custom machines to designing and building my own circuits.

Also, an expert sytem & network admin (on Win boxes anyways, never got the hang of *nix systems), MS Office, and just about every piece of software Adobe makes.


Damn you calculus... if if hadn't been for my lousy math skills I would have my Bachelor's in Comp. Eng. by now. >_<

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Heh, this will be a necro bump, but might as well seeing as someone will probably need my skills:





*Bit a Java Script




Programming (Not very good):

*Basic C

*Basic C++

*Basic Java

*Basic SDK

*Basic UDK

*Basic CryEngine 3


Level Design:

*Quake 3 Maps

*Source Maps

*Learning UDK Maps

*Learning CryEngine 3 Maps


Servers (What I can/do manage):

*Source Servers (Gmod, CSS)

*Minecraft Servers (Hence the HG Factions server, and secrete tekkit server which isn't really a secrete, I'm just not supposed to be working on it right now)

*Quake 3 Servers (Mostly JKG)



*Wiki editing

*Android App development.

*Composing Music

* Advanced Cinematography


*Bit of Model making

*Can build computers.



All this and I can't seem to find a job anywhere in Oregon...

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  • 1 month later...

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