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Drugs for Monies


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I donated 20$ either this or last month and derped not reading the rest of the post. So im posting now. Im also going to donate another 10$ right now. Thanks for all the fun servers


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U said:



For every $1 USD, you will recieve 333 points

For every $10 you will recieve an additional 333 points

Minimum donation of $5 USD / 4 euros / 385 yen -- this is due to outrageous paypal fees

Alternate currency will be accepted, and price will be determined based on conversion rate at time of purchase

Larger donations ($50+) will receive more points per dollar (this is cummalitive). The more you donate, the more you get per dollar.

Cummalitive donations of $200 or more will recieve laser letters (custom 2), as long as you have admin on the jailbreak server.

$250 will recieve supermute (custom 5)

$325 will recieve disco (custom 3)

$400 will recieve !turtles (custom 4)"


So when you said "laser letters (custom 2), as long as you have admin on the jailbreak server."

I know you need admin for laser letters but do you need admin for the stuff below like supermute, disco, or turtles?


Also, if you donate a large amount like 200 dollars (the same price you said you recieve laser letters) can you make it so you get free admin? since your donating 200 dollars instead of 15, thats quite a difference. And that would remove my previous question on having admin for some of the "extras" when donating in large ammounts.


And, if you donate at different times in a month, say 97 dollars october 7th, 33 dollars October 15th, and 70 dollars October 23rd, would they all add up to get that 200 dollar Laser letter prize, or do you have to donate all at once?


Plz dont answer these questions on this forum page, please pm me.



EDIT: also, do the commands only stay there that month or 4ever?

Edited by Dj Devil Monkey
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So when you said "laser letters (custom 2), as long as you have admin on the jailbreak server."

I know you need admin for laser letters but do you need admin for the stuff below like supermute, disco, or turtles?


Yes, you need to have an active admin subscription for ALL the extras.


Also, if you donate a large amount like 200 dollars (the same price you said you recieve laser letters) can you make it so you get free admin? since your donating 200 dollars instead of 15, thats quite a difference. And that would remove my previous question on having admin for some of the "extras" when donating in large ammounts.


No. Drug donations are separate from admin donations.


And, if you donate at different times in a month, say 97 dollars october 7th, 33 dollars October 15th, and 70 dollars October 23rd, would they all add up to get that 200 dollar Laser letter prize, or do you have to donate all at once?

Yes, donations are cumulative. If you donate $10 20 times, you'll still get laser letters.


Plz dont answer these questions on this forum page, please pm me.


Fuck it, YOLO.


EDIT: also, do the commands only stay there that month or 4ever?


The commands will stay active as long as you have an active premium/admin subscription. If you cancel your admin one month, but renew it another you'll have to PM me again to get it back.

You can NOT have the commands with out an active premium/admin subscription.

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