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New Petition To Ban Skyrim from USA


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we petition the obama administration to:

Immediately Ban the Deadly Videogame Known as "SkyRim" for The Safety of America's Youths.


Whereas videogaming has proven to cause social, ethical and health problems in people of all ages,


Whereas sexual perversion and homosexuality are threatening to destroy the Christian foundations on which this nation was built,


Whereas a new video game has just been created that far exceeds any others in the psychological and spiritual damage it does to teens,


We, the American people, today ask you,


1) To enact an immediate ban on the videogame known as "SkyRim" produced by Blizzard Entertainment.


2) To seize and destroy all copies already in public hands and erase its presence on the internet.


3) To prosecute the players of "SkyRim" to the fullest extent of the law.


4) To create a national database of videogame avatars and "screen names" so that teenagers can be better monitored.


>To enact an immediate ban on the videogame known as "SkyRim" produced by Blizzard Entertainment.

>"SkyRim" produced by Blizzard Entertainment.


>Blizzard Entertainment.



The bad part is this is actually on the whitehouse site and even if it is a joke (which I don't know if it is serious or not), it's being taken seriously.. If some troll decides to rally 4chan or tumblr or some other gay site and get the 25k signatures, the obama administration has no choice but to act on this rofl..

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Actually no, they have all the choice in whether or not to enact a petition from their website, as stated by their fine print. Even if a petition gains the 25,000 signatures, there is nothing stating they have to follow through with it, which is why unless it's in the best interest and actually helpful it's likely to make little to no impact. Either way, this is a troll petition and a poor one at that.

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Actually no, they have all the choice in whether or not to enact a petition from their website, as stated by their fine print. Even if a petition gains the 25,000 signatures, there is nothing stating they have to follow through with it, which is why unless it's in the best interest and actually helpful it's likely to make little to no impact. Either way, this is a troll petition and a poor one at that.



was hoping someone would read their fine print for me, thanks.

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GTA5 What about me _

Liberty City

November 26, 2011

Signature # 238


A Dragon That Hates DragonBorn 1

Undisclosed, Skyrim

November 26, 2011

Signature # 228


Imperial Guard 1


November 26, 2011

Signature # 226


lol the signatures are funny

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The guy is loony obviously. Because one parent who doesnt know wtf hes talking about shouldnt ruin it for millions of people especially since he wrote "4) To create a national database of videogame avatars and "screen names" so that teenagers can be better monitored."


The game is rated for mature players 17+ if he wants the game banned bc of teenagers then he has a very big problem


EDIT: Even if the game got the right amount of votes it will still be useless because all games are protected by the 10 amendmants for free speech and stuff how do you think that GTA is still on the market? lol

Edited by ExGBrian
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that guy is trolling so hard.


Hes not trolling hes just a religious freak like flanders from the simpsons. Even since this article is extremely true it wont make a difference because like i said the game is still protected under free speech in the 10 amendments if they ban this game for a reason like showing children about homosexuality then the goverment will be in big trouble like the egypt or libya situations

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purely the liberal’s way of teaching out kids that modifying and gender changing one’s self is fun and normal


oh man


Anyone of the evil axis of consoles; PlayStation 1,2 or 3, Gamecube or XBox 360 Live Kentic, could be lurking in one of their households.


oh god



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