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Odd Man Out.


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My understanding of this game was that you give a designated time and at that time, the remaining terrorists (normally 3) type either a 1 or 2. If two T's type a 1 and one types a 2, then the latter is killed. If all three T's type a 1 or 2 then the last to type the number is killed.


Now, shouldnt the designated time be something like 3:30 as oppsed to BY 3:30 and it being 3:45. I was always aware that at 3:30 exactly they type it out, if they type it before that time then they die. If lead gives them 15 seconds to type a 1 or a 2, doesnt it defeat the purpose of Odd Man Out?

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For one, he's talking about a day I did, I said this at 3:36 and gave them til 3:30, he killed the guy that typed it at 3:35, I told them BY 3:30 then he argued and said the guy typed it early. I gave the rules of the game, I clearly stated them, he was stupid for typing it out early, but I did give them a specific time the last person had to type it by.

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I depends on how the lead gives the command. The way that I usually do it is "AT 3:30 you will type either 1 or 2 in chat, if you're the odd one out you die, or if you all type the same number the last one to type it dies". But in fenixes case he gave them a time limit to type the number by, not stating they couldn't do it before.

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