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Freekiller Voting system?

Richard Winters

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So, ive noticed alot of people freekilling and when we try to tell an admin, nothing happens. I know someone has had this happen once or twice. What if there was a command like !fire maybe !fk that pulls up a voting menu to slay a freekiller. Sure it could be abused, but so is fire. And this will also help when no admins are on. Ive noticed alot of admins too "busy" to do anything about a freekiller. Just a suggestion?

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A Karma mod would be cool, where if you die, adn type !fk the person who kills you gets -1 karma.



and if a player has bad karma, he can only lead 1 roudn isntead of 3, or has to wait a few minsutes before joining ct team ;o

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Yeah, but what if the person typing !fk is a troll, or noob abnd that person gets screwed over? With that fk system, itll be a mass vote as is fire


Lol you just gave us a reason NOT to have this command.


Anyways, many people that play jailbreak are new and THINK they are getting freekilled. This would never work. In example, many people don't even know what crouch walking means. Personally, the only way I think this would work is what jjk said, but only top 20 and admins could use it.

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I think we have enough mods. Admins want to play the game too and can't sit in spectate to make sure every CT doesn't freekill


+1, Mccain for president.


Lol you just gave us a reason NOT to have this command.


Anyways, many people that play jailbreak are new and THINK they are getting freekilled. This would never work. In example, many people don't even know what crouch walking means. Personally, the only way I think this would work is what jjk said, but only top 20 and admins could use it.


+1, scott for Vice President.


The server has already shown that it is not mature enough for a !fire command...

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Got a problem with freekilling? Stop being a little bitch to the ingame admins and make a demo and record the guy by using !observe and make a tlist report.


The ingame admins dont have to do shit, let us remind you that even when a admin tlists someone its only for 2 hours but u can tlist the freekiller forever if you make a tlist report.


Too lazy to even do that? How bout you take your candy money and donate and become an admin yourself? If you dont like the server then get lost.

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!fire anyone can use.


my idea is, only one person can !fk the person who kills them


takes a lot of bad karma to hurt a player



also, brian is super mad



Im tired of all these guys comn to the servers and complaining about freekilling. It was worse before and its actually better now but people still cry about it. Dont come to the forums crying do something about it seriously

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It's not that admins are too "busy" (although we sometimes are) - its more the fact that we can't slay someone for something we didn't see.. If you are constantly being freekilled, record a demo and make a post on the forums.


-1 It'll get abused so much.. Sorry, but it's a bad idea..

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I agree with Lazarus.. (ya I said it)


Jailbreak has to many mods as it is. I have been playing JB strong for over a year now. It is *WAY* to much to deal with as it is now. Freekillers get taken care of all the time. Freekilling won't stop anytime soon. Admins take care of things all the time while muting / unmuting moving to spectate slaying baiters slaying derp cts kicking for racism they continue to get rid of freekillers and if an admin isn't on jailbreak.


(you obviously play at 5 am on the weekdays)


So you should install Teamspeak 3 (TS3)


Adress: voice.hellsgamers.com

Port: 2010

Nickname: (Insert Nickname Here)

Server Password:


Press Connect.




Explain the problem to these people (After You *POKE4HELPZORS!*)


To Poke someone simply "Right Click" the persons name and scroll down to "Poke Client" It will ask you "Poke Reason:" just type in something like "Help Me In the Help Desk I'm Starting"




"Make a Complaint" is right below the "Poke" command and I don't think that would be the way to get off on the right foot.




Enjoy your stay at the Hellsgamers community. Have a nice day.




Brian I was playing in HG before you could walk. <3

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You guys are missing the point, the point is not to get rid of massive freekillers, as the admins do dont get me wrong. And i know its not just me who has a problem with this. Sure its too many commands and such, but if i make a tlist report on a guy who freekills because he doesnt know how to play, and gets tlisted, thats not very fair. I think.. THINK thats where JJK is going with his idea of "karma". Anyway, the !fk command would trigger a massive vote and alot of t's are lazy. But if they do recognize a problem, then of course its like a herd of wild elephants, like when simon says gets fired. :) It would make an admins job much easier.

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You guys are missing the point, the point is not to get rid of massive freekillers, as the admins do dont get me wrong. And i know its not just me who has a problem with this. Sure its too many commands and such, but if i make a tlist report on a guy who freekills because he doesnt know how to play, and gets tlisted, thats not very fair. I think.. THINK thats where JJK is going with his idea of "karma". Anyway, the !fk command would trigger a massive vote and alot of t's are lazy. But if they do recognize a problem, then of course its like a herd of wild elephants, like when simon says gets fired. :) It would make an admins job much easier.


A lot of t's are lazy? He has played jailbreak for 2 years apparently and doesn't think people will troll the shit out of "!fk" just like they do "!fire" congratulations Richard my mind is full of fuck.

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