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Recently, we let our veterans members nominate [HG] members they thought have been here long enough and have done enough to earn their stripes in HG. We're letting our current veterans nominate [HG] members to become HG | veteran members. There were about 15 + nominations and the staff have voted to only promote 7 of those. This is round 1 of the promotions, more to come as the year goes on.


So please give them a warm welcome to the highest rank without any power, veteran. Best thing about Veterans is that they don't get demoted for inactivity :D


The following were nominated by HG | Veterans and have since been promoted to Veteran:



Go spam their pages with congrats!!! If I don't see 5 congrats on each users page, I will spam them myself. If you're too lazy to do this, find them on teamspeak and poke them saying congrats!

Edited by Prius
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So please give them a warm welcome to the highest rank without any power, veteran. Best thing about Veterans is that they don't get demoted for inactivity :D


In that case, BRB.


By the way, I congratulated you as well Prius. 5 times since no one else did it. <3

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