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Good movies to wach on Netflix


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We don't have netflix so idk which movies are or are not on there,

but Train Spotting is a good movie and Shawshank redemption. and even if you've seen ps I love you a hundred times, that one too!

One flew over the cuckoo's nest is a really good movie, as is twelve angry men, and changeling (the one with angelina jolie, I know theres another one too) and any of the paranormal activity ones,...

(the good old TS days lol :D)



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The Objective - spooky movie about army in Afghanistan

Cherry - college movie..but with a good story and hot wimmins

Cashback - a brit movie about a guy sotpping time and lookign at titties - pretty funny and hot

Worlds Greatest Dad - robin williams made this movie pretty good.

Star Trek TNG - becasue picard is sexy

Super Troopers - funny as hell

Boondock Saints - becasue you dont fuck with the irish

Cyberbully - you get to watch annoying bitches cry. Not bad for a movie based off 4chan

Office Space - hillarious movie :D :D

any stand-up on netflix is good - including chapelle

Jackass 3 was just added

Jay and Silent bob Strike back - good stoner movie

Shrooms - good mind fuck horror movie

How to be a serial killer - saw most of this and was entertained the whole way :D



thats it for now






right now im about to watch ARN - some medieval movie

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