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KILLJOY982 has arrived

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Hey! Its me, KILLJOY982 (The famed!) You can call me leroy though. I'm 18, I'm in love with Gmod (again) and i just got a fancy new computer a monthish ago to play it on! I'm the kid who works plays on his computer and sleeps for a living, but doesn't have a car or apartment of his own :l But I'm also a super cool dude and I'd love to get to know you, so don't be a fool and add me on steam! The name is the same as you see it. I own CS:S, HL2, TF2, Gmod, and pretty much all the good stuff. Terraria. I only really play Gmod though, the other games I'll hop on once in a blue moon, but i enjoy the sandbox and any-game-mode-you-want part of Gmod. I'm a builder. Building and RPing are my favorite things to do while I'm gaming. My hobbies include Gaming (duh), partying, making people laugh, and delivering justice to those who try to lie and cheat. Apparently I'm dyslexic too, i had to edit this paragraph so much >.< My dads dyslexic, and I've found i have a bit of it too. Especially when some fools think they can raid my base and steal my printers. Thats when i type like a madman. Well, if you call it typing. I call it frantically slamming my fist on the keyboard while simultaneously trying to run around my base. Anywho way off topic there, this is me! I'm SUPER psyched about finally being a part of Hells Gamers and hope to go a long way with them!

Edited by KILLJOY982
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