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Tyrone ADMIN ABUSING [yet again]


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1. Abuser name: Tyrone

2. Their Steam Id: idk

3. What sever: jail break

4. About what time: 9-10:30 am PST 6/25

5. PROOF: Tyrone was warned by multiple HG members not to admin abuse. He was told not to switch players, "It's not your job to switch players" multiple times.


Hamburger, Jesus, Weeman, Blitzkreig, Vagina all witnessed him admin abusing and mic spamming.


He was told not to spam music over the mic by multiple players after a round and banned me for calling him out. He has no demo of me doing anything wrong. (surprise?)


Just because someone pays $15/mo does not mean they can act like a raging fagot and abuse their powers. Even after ignoring HG member's warnings, he still continues to abuse his privileges.


If anyone has access to the chat logs on the server, you can read the chat from many other players complaining about his behavior as well. I doubt this is the firs time you've heard of this.








This only covers a very short span since console won't let me scroll up anymore. This also does not include the verbal warnings from other HG members and other players telling him to stop.

Edited by PooprScooper
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I dont understand half the stuff you highlighted at the end. It just shows people telling him not to abuse, but what was he abusing? Where is the proof that he was abusing - not the proof where people are telling him to stop it because I can just go into a server and tell 10 people to type in STOP ABUSING but it doesn't necessarily mean he was abusing. Do you know what I mean?

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Sorry I don't' have a demo to show it more clearly. You may ask any of the people I mentioned that witnessed this including multiple HG members.


He was moving players around after being told not to by HG members. He was mic spamming repeatedly. He slayed people for unjustified reasons which everyone else objected to. He was warned by other admins to stop and still ignored them.


This only covers the last few minutes of his abuse. He was doing this for a couple hours.

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Ok, I admit I played music at the END OF THE ROUND when the CT's were all pretty much dead. I can name off a whole list of admins/HG members and random players that do that. Does it make it right? No. But it is innocent harmless fun. (Sorry if you don't like the music, It is simply impossible to appeal to everyone)


As far as moving people to other teams, yes I was. When there are 13 CT's and 12 T's, it only makes sense to move over 2-3 counter terrorists that had just joined the server to team balance, you could also note that I did not tell them not to move back and did not punish them for it. If this is wrong, I would like to know and to see the rule stating this.

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Yes that is correct. Admins are allowed to change players team so I have no idea what your talking about how it was not allowed. Mic Spam is yes common among admins and players alike however it is something that does need to stop because often orders are not heard because of it and its on the MOTD. Banning someone for insulting an admin just once is a little extreme however if this happened multiple times then that was acceptable. Frankly I do not see any abuse besides the music. Just because people say they are reporting an admin does not mean they did something wrong you need to post the actual abuse. I get about 5 people a day that want to report me for "Admin Abuse". Why do they not do it? Simple because there was no actual abuse they could show, they just didn't like the fact that they were caught so they just blame the admin.

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i have several demos if needed spamming and beconing the last ct when ct gives kos command. just let me know if needed and what filesite i should use to host them since ive never uploaded them before


Camping is against the rules, beaconing the last CT (Who was camping by the way) seems fair to me. Once again, I will admit to playing music... I'm not going to deny that.

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Tyrone was mic spamming repeatedly DURING the round. Not only when it ended.


2 HG members specifically told him not to move players. They specifically said "You are allowed up to 13 CTS" There was over 16 Ts when he did this.

I don't disagree that you shouldn't have more Ts then CTs, but he did this multiple times. He moved at least 6 people over to Ts and the CTs ended up having only 6 people at one point with over 20 Ts.

Tyrone, please don't try to pretend like you only moved players once. You were warned by two HG members to stop. If it was legitimate, they wouldn't have told you multiple times to STOP. Use your brain kid. Stop mic spamming and slaying people just because you're an admin. You have to have a reason.

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Tyrone was mic spamming repeatedly DURING the round. Not only when it ended.


2 HG members specifically told him not to move players. They specifically said "You are allowed up to 13 CTS" There was over 16 Ts when he did this.

I don't disagree that you shouldn't have more Ts then CTs, but he did this multiple times. He moved at least 6 people over to Ts and the CTs ended up having only 6 people at one point with over 20 Ts.

Tyrone, please don't try to pretend like you only moved players once. You were warned by two HG members to stop. If it was legitimate, they wouldn't have told you multiple times to STOP. Use your brain kid. Stop mic spamming and slaying people just because you're an admin. You have to have a reason.


Ok here is the reason why player moving is hard. You sometimes when moving one or more people get confused which team you are moving them too. It sounds kindof stupid, yes but it has happened to me twice. As long as it is corrected shortly after it should be fine. Do it twice in a matter of 30 mintues and you might have a problem. Mic spamming is against the rules and is the only thing you really have on him since you do not have logs of him changing players. In one of the SS you just joined and you read "Admin Abuse" and copied it, this does not prove admin abuse.

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That is correct, I did not demo that. But you may ask any of the other people I mentioned that witnessed this. Especially the 2 HG who told him to stop after doing it multiple times. He did this at least 4 times that I can remember. Which is why other HG members verbally warned him and he proceeded to argue with them.


He also slaid people without proper reasoning (freekill, etc.)

Edited by PooprScooper
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I dunno about moving cts because I've done that before where there are lots of cts, I moved cts to t, then people joined the game and packed the ct side again and then I moved cts again but did it so they change at the end of the round and then people think I haven't swapped people so they join t and then there were only 5 cts left

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He was balancing teams, no problem with that. The way he did it was the problem I think, he swapped them dead or alive (so a CT would randomly turn into a T and either shoot or get shot :P) I mean, every now and again I make that mistake and switch a live person when I'm trying to even teams. *shrugs*


Mic spamming? One round that I recal he was mic spamming when CT's were giving orders, i asked him to stop and he did. But at the end of the round he was playing music a lot (when the T's were all rebeling and no CT was giving orders) but yeah, as he said, lots of people do that =P other admins as well as regular players.


As for beconing the camper? well, thats better then a slay which is what we're allowed to do if a CT camps. That was him being nice =P lol and people call that abuse.

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He didn't just switch teams ONCE. He did this repeatedly which is why TWO HG members told him to stop. If we was "fixing" teams they wouldn't of said anything. He also wouldn't of argued with them. Yes he was switching live players as well, though that's not the biggest problem, it's him making the teams extremely uneven and arguing with HG members. He was not "just" balancing teams. I don't know how much more clear I can make this.

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Ok, when I was team balancing, I was using instant switch, yes, but they were all dead players because they had just joined. Anybody that was switched mid round was a blatant freekiller and I just happened to have the team switch menu up, with the intent of slaying him after the team swap. More or less a quick fix to keep order in the server.


That being said, I didn't just wake up today and decide "Hey fuck all, let's fuck with the server and create chaos!" I had a good reason for every action as I have read and understand the entire rulebook.

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For one time fuklife was right. Well first of all, i have no knowledge of whatsoever happen in jailbreak, esp the rules. But playing music is acceptable? I mean does it say in the MOTD that is it ok to play music even once in awhile? Other members or "admins" can play, but that doesn't mean they don't violate the rule. There are many admins who just got banned, so you should follow them too? I mean i kick and ban people when they have music on, and if i play music my own, wouldn't be unfair to those i've kicked and banned? And before you team balancing, you at least tell them so none of these would have happened. People don't know if the teams are not balancing, so they might think you abuse your power. You would rather play music on the mic than taking a few second to tell players that you're balancing the team? Come on think of what you've done.

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DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA guy just let staff and council review this stop aruging with one another and so forth


This is a discussions forum, what you are suggesting is the exact opposite to this. Admins can settle it based on what we bring forward as evidence. What you are suggesting is like a Judge giving a verdict without having seen both sides of the story.

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None of them gonna admit that they are wrong. We cannot base on their stories and decide. We should base on the evidence. Listening to their story is somewhat inconclusive since we deprive to win over one another. Base on the ss from the console and Tyrone's confession, he did playing music and switching team. Fuklife was right, let's staffs and councils to decide on this matter because evidences has been shown and story from both side have been told. So there shouldn't be any further arguments.

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