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newdust2 server non dm


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ummm i dont know about you guys but the dust2 non dm server needs to not change map every 10 minutes it says 24/7 so theres no reason for it have to change map every ten minutes and it just changes to the same map so if they can please fix that or that how u guys intensionally set it up then ok but i would like to know why thanks you .......--==sUpErMaN*)

Edited by RedDevil6193
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While we're on suggestions for this, I'd like too see some bots on the server so when people join they aren't forever alone.


Also, I feel the warmup round is very long (120 seconds) and should be lowered to atleast 60


Finally, any premium/VIP can easily abuse the !$ command and give only their team money. So I think a 16k server would do well or get rid of the command for this server.


I suggested these a few weeks ago buy never really heard back.

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