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If I was an artistic hippie Gay Q living in my moms basement with all the time in the world to hate on BiT I guess I would be able to come up with something as witty as this, as gay as it is, nice pic. Ur still one of my favorite Al Queers. +1 , yes we are all family, indoors only lolololol.

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If I was an artistic hippie Gay Q living in my moms basement with all the time in the world to hate on BiT I guess I would be able to come up with something as witty as this, as gay as it is, nice pic. Ur still one of my favorite Al Queers. +1 , yes we are all family, indoors only lolololol.


<3 I love you ASCII

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oh hell YES! A motha fuckin Q! ever since sid and i made the gang it has been the dominant force throughout JB. Couldn't have done it without you guys! we're all brothers and we all pwn together. Don't listen to the haters, they are jealous because either they arent good enough to join or we don't like em :P.

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MY AQ BRETHREN!! The dedication to our terrorist organization makes me all teary-eyed!! Love the pic


And no, you can NOT copyright "AQ Sonic Boots" or "AQ Scout" because both belong to THE BEST GANG ON THE MUFUKIN SERVER BABY!!!

AQ- Stompin bitches since DAY 1!!


For Batters - AQ SUCKS BIG FLOPPY DONKEY DICK, the best part is..I spam this and "AQ IS TERRIBLE, DO NOT JOIN THEM" all day, every day on JB, and I get MORE people asking me to join than I know what to do with!! lol

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