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Invisible from !PD


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So i remember a while back we had it where when you got invisible from !pd, you were INVISIBLE... The way it is now, I get killed every single time I get the !pd because any person with eyes can see a moving blurry person.


Any chance we can change it so that invis = invis again? I would rather just not get it at all otherwise, it is a death sentence.

Edited by Bonbon
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Invisible is completely useless if someone has admin gear on which is kinda lame. At this point its no different from chair. What it should be is completely invis while not rebelling, but when rebelling, slightly more visible.


*EDIT* Heres a idea, like tf2 it should be completely invis untill they start running and moving or bump into someone. Just a little thought. Now suddenly dancing peppers


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Well it was never completely invisible. It was originally about 1% visibility (5/255).


Now it's about 12% (30/255).


Also the knife is not invisible.


The chances of getting invisibility from a !PD is about 4%.

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*EDIT* Heres a idea, like tf2 it should be completely invis untill they start running and moving or bump into someone. Just a little thought. Now suddenly dancing peppers



Dem Peppers......


Invisibru should just stay the way it is now. There are plenty of easy ways (and I mean PLENTY) to stay alive while invisibru. All you have to do is be calm and patient and figure them out for your self. If your out there running with the Ts to the bottom of the cell stairs you deserve to be shot. Being Invisibru is all about being the Alpha Dog the Lone Wolf taking one for the team and killing the lead/any other derp Cts that get in your way. If you fail at being invisibru, you do not deserve to get it in !pd


*EDIT* Oh for the admins who get it and are all depressed because there awesome hats and zebra stripped suit are visible. Take them off and look like a normal T and things should work better

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Well it was never completely invisible. It was originally about 1% visibility (5/255).


Now it's about 12% (30/255).


Also the knife is not invisible.


The chances of getting invisibility from a !PD is about 4%.

Maybe make it 6%? because you can still see knife, (parts of the belt i think), and any guns they have. I don't think you should be able to see the body skin itself unless you know its there and you're staring at it. The 4% chance is fine, it happens enough and not too much.

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Maybe make it 6%? because you can still see knife, (parts of the belt i think), and any guns they have. I don't think you should be able to see the body skin itself unless you know its there and you're staring at it. The 4% chance is fine, it happens enough and not too much.


I think 6% sounds like it would be a lot better, in the middle of what it is now and what it used to be. I am an admin so when i get it i have to take my hat and costume off which sucks to begin with, BUT I can still see other invis people with ease..it is very rare that one can sneak past me, even when i am not paying attention.

Of course sometimes you can wait it out in the cell and get out when they aren't looking, but with non-derp ct's it doesn't happen.

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This thread seems very familiar.







As bort mentioned, it is (30 / 255) = 11% VISIBLE.


And as that thread mentioned, there is 20% chance of a good roll from PD. 55% chance of a bad roll from PD, and invisible is on the line at 4%


I honestly can not justify adding another 4% to the "good roll" section of PD, but I can justify another 4% in the bad category of PD. As it should be roughly 50% good 50% bad.



SO. If you aren't willing to take the risks, don't roll, and especially DON'T BITCH.

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