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[Forum Game] About You


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I made this thread about 2 years ago when I first joined HG (well ..almost 3 years ago now) but I'm bringing it back because of all the new members we have!


Name a couple of things about you that you find "weird" or "silly"


I will start


1. I have this obsession with cleaning my ears. I clean my ears with Q-tips about 3 times a day.

2. I gag every time I smell ketchup. I hate ketchup.


Your turn :)

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Weird: I clean myself (Down theres) like 4 times a day..


What in the hell is that supposed to mean?


OT: Weird: I collect PEZ Dispensers and have over 200


Silly: I put a speedo on everyday and prance around in a pool touching nearly naked men.

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1. I don't like it when people mispronounce easy words, such as pencil being pronounced "Pesil", or ask mispronounced as "axe". It pisses me off to the point I feel like snapping a chicken's neck. I'm not sure if that's considered weird.


2. I enjoy watching Lucky Star . . .

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Weird: If someone had a video camera in my room they would make millions if I was being recorded and they put it on youtube. Not telling what I do in my room because some people already know lol


Silly: I have a separate steam friends group just for my best friends on here. I only have 4, maybe 5 if they play their cards right, that are in that group. I call it "A BFF's" so its the first group in my friends list. Not giving names either !

Edited by Prius
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I love World History and anything related to World History (Politics, Geography, Economy, international relations).

I love Photography (I will be taking a minor course in University).

I want to make my life an Adventure after University (See the world, and expand my education beyond the students limit).

I am pro at keeping things in the last minute (Ge ting out of that habit).

I dream big, aim big that is related to government.

I am very competitive (Skydiving, Scuba Diving, Hunting, Sports etc).

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Silly: I have major OCD with my cars being clean. I also lay out everything i am going to wear the next day, in the morning.


Weird: I cannot eat Sushi, chicken pot pie and salmon or i will throw-up. I had very bad experiences with all those foods, and ever since i just cant stomach them. I am terrified of my own basement.

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Weird: I have a weird obsession with Hockey. I can't go one day without talking about it.


Silly: Whenever I read or watch something from politics and it pisses me off, I can't go to sleep for up to 3 hours after my bed time.

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Weird: I keep watching my six packs and my own body in a mirror to see how I improved myself.


Silly: I think about girls and sex 24/7


so you're a teenager? :P


wierd: me and my friends have this game where you try to flash each other your nuts o.O


silly: i talk to my school trainer for like 2 hours a day....she's hot

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Weird: I have a crater in my chest, I could probably eat cereal out of it


haha my dad has that! we once made him put soda in it when lying down, and gave him a straw to drink it as a cocktail :3




Weird: massive ocd-chick right here. few of them are that I can never touch the same stairs with the same foot as people I dont think are "ok", so lets say I dislike you and you're in front of me on the stairs, where you put your left foot, I'll put my right foot. I have a massive fear of germs too. clean my hands way too often, have moisturizer with me all the time to fix my dry hands. I can't touch paper without having moisturizer on.


Silly: I have 1 person in a different steam friends group, and then 5 others in a buddy group on steam, I stalk them daily. Even though I'm 22 I'm still super afraid of the dark. I will also cry when I am alone and there's thunder or lightning or heavy storm. I also sometimes pull weird faces randomly to random people, god knows why.


I'm so terribly weird :/

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WEIRD:: I learned how to masturbate with my left hand due to my right hand being broken.

Silly:: I have stolen over 450 dogtags on Battlefield 3. And nowadays I get about 5 per round so that number will increase drastically. ;)

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I still play Genesis games on a regular basis, 13 years of owning one and it still works!

I am a full blown brony, but most of you already knew that and if you didn't, you do now.

I can eat almost anything food related, except for octopus and au gratin with cheese, something about the texture of the potatoes and the cheese just makes me want to hurl it back up. The octopus got stuck on my tongue lol.

I have a massive hentai addiction. I used to have over 16 gigabytes of hentai doujinshi alone....

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I am a full blown brony

I can eat almost anything food related

I have a massive hentai addiction. I used to have over 16 gigabytes of hentai doujinshi alone....



Holy fuck, are you me from another time line?




Wierd: I happen to love the taste of human blood. Something about it just makes me very happy inside.


Silly: Even though I suck at CS:S and always fail, I still attempt to TenMan and say I'm the best player there.

I also have 844 hours of Gmod played!

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Holy fuck, are you me from another time line?




Wierd: I happen to love the taste of human blood. Something about it just makes me very happy inside.


Silly: Even though I suck at CS:S and always fail, I still attempt to TenMan and say I'm the best player there.

I also have 844 hours of Gmod played!


Am I you from next Tuesday? OH SHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII------

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