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Post Most Unclear Jailbreak Rules: Upcoming Survey #2


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Terrorists were inside solitary and I was seeing how far I can throw my gun from cell ladder and it sent me to electric chair, is that even possible?


If lead says all terrorists freeze when someone bought a cell opener and lead is dead and 5 billion go to kitchen, can you kill all of them? Just did and wondering if that even legal.


Leader was playing simon says after a large rebel jailbreak, I found 2 terrorists in dungeon and killed them . One guy said those were freekills because leader gave out an order and after a while he didn't give anymore. I slayed myself just because. I figured them hiding under the dungeon staircase, they were not doing the order.


If a terrorist moves out of the stack, can you kill them? What defines as movng out of a stack?


Large prisonbreak due to a cell opener and wondering if it was okay to go around looking for rebels


One guy is in adminroom and I spent the entire day just shooting him, and I became last guard, was I camping before last?

How can you kill guys in adminrooms?

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  • 1 month later...

Say I see t's run to shot for shot, and its clear they are getting away. I strategically go down into the vents even though I didn't follow them through till they went through the other end.

Same goes for say I see someone teleport to kitchen, there's a guy at the door trying to kill him and I go in infirm. I wait the 5 seconds to kill.


I have been slayed for both and neither times was I in the area long enough to be "camping."


Also, the freeze nazi rule needs to be more clear. Does this mean be cool with them free-looking or knifing or what? I know alot of times it seems like the CT just looks to see if they like the prisoner moving around. I might even be willing to say I am guilty of this. (Basically favoritism.)

Edited by Waldo
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Baotiv, I have somewhat of an answer for "If lead says all terrorists freeze when someone bought a cell opener and lead is dead and 5 billion go to kitchen, can you kill all of them? Just did and wondering if that even legal."

What happened to me was a cell opener was bought, but the lead never died. I opened kitchen door and lo and behold there is 5+ terrorists(Got an achievement for it on steam, killing 5+ people in under 15 seconds I think is what it said) and I got auto t-listed. I had to wait out the week because I had no demo.

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Say I see t's run to shot for shot, and its clear they are getting away. I strategically go down into the vents even though I didn't follow them through till they went through the other end.

Same goes for say I see someone teleport to kitchen, there's a guy at the door trying to kill him and I go in infirm. I wait the 5 seconds to kill.


I have been slayed for both and neither times was I in the area long enough to be "camping."


Also, the freeze nazi rule needs to be more clear. Does this mean be cool with them free-looking or knifing or what? I know alot of times it seems like the CT just looks to see if they like the prisoner moving around. I might even be willing to say I am guilty of this. (Basically favoritism.)

Well it's your choice whether or not to kill them but don't kill for small twitches..

You aren't wrong on the first one, you shouldn't have been slayed for that..

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We need to better define camping. When I see a guy use teleporter to kitchen, and I strategically go in inferm and wait the 3 seconds he will inevitably take to get in there, then I am going to kill him. That isnt camping, and if the rebeller doesnt come after a few seconds I will leave the area, but the admins slay me everytime even though ive had some tell me it was within the rules.

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We need to better define camping. When I see a guy use teleporter to kitchen, and I strategically go in inferm and wait the 3 seconds he will inevitably take to get in there, then I am going to kill him. That isnt camping, and if the rebeller doesnt come after a few seconds I will leave the area, but the admins slay me everytime even though ive had some tell me it was within the rules.

act like your getting health then shoot him, like fuck this game that hard?

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  • 2 months later...

Unsure if this has been addressed or not. When the Lead tells us to go in a certain direction do we take the direction from where his is or from we are.


Example: Lead tells us " run to the left of the bigcage" do we take it as his left or our right?


My feelings are that the direction orders should be taken from where the cts are to avoid confusion and freekilling.


Also are degree orders allowed


Example: Lead tells a t " do a 360 then go to bigcage" do we have to do the degree order?


My feelings are that they should be allowed for the likes or hurdles.

Edited by Forgetful Predator
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In cells(CS:GO server)


Order: Face roulette


A terrorist is faceing directly towards roulette, if the walls were invisible, his crosshair would be on roulette. He is not facing the direct south, but at an angle. He is not faceing the same direction as the other terrorists, so he is killed in his cell.


The most dramatic example would be someone in the most south cells, who, when directly facing roulette, would be at nearly a 45 degree angle from direct south.


Is this, and other similar orders allowed?

Is a situation like this a freekill?

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1. Can the t's not do the order if they are inside their cells.

EG. Lead says crouch to the bottom of cell stairs. Can the t run inside his cell then start crouching at the door?

1. It used to be a rule a year ago. It is no longer a rule. JJK has already said "If someone tells you to crouch somewhere, you best fucking crouch"


Also, toss this in MOTD because "special" people in the server dont understand we have a forum.

So Looking over the Motd, I see that admins are REQUIRED to Warn someone before doing any tlisting, templocks, etc etc.

Seeing as how nobody is answering this i will. There are certain things, in my mind, that dont exactly require a warning. Like a slay. Muting, templocking, tlisting, kicking and banning are the ones that admins SHOULD BE WARNING FOR. Grannit, if theres a dude who is spamming and shows no signs of stopping, then his ass is going to get muted. For templocking/Tlisting, it all depends on if there person is masskilling and console doesn't detect it or that the person has had multiple chances (ergo has been slayed, which again in my mind counts as a warning.) Banning and kicking kind of fall against each other. A kick should always fall before a ban, unless the dude is hacking or some shit. Before a kick of course, you gotta warn the guy because most likely the dude will get pissed off and come back to the server gathering your info and making an abuse report.

Edited by blackberry4511
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A terrorist is faceing directly towards roulette, if the walls were invisible, his crosshair would be on roulette. He is not facing the direct south, but at an angle. He is not faceing the same direction as the other terrorists, so he is killed in his cell. The most dramatic example would be someone in the most south cells, who, when directly facing roulette, would be at nearly a 45 degree angle from direct south. Is this, and other similar orders allowed? Is a situation like this a freekill?


I've always wondered about that too. If someone says to face knife arena or dungeon, it's a different direction for different cells.



Also, I think that telling Ts to do 360s in hurdles should be allowed


I've adapted to saying "twirly twirls" or shit like that but in the case of doing hurdles and telling Ts to do 360s, everyone understands. Its not like its something confusing.

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I've always wondered about that too. If someone says to face knife arena or dungeon, it's a different direction for different cells.



Also, I think that telling Ts to do 360s in hurdles should be allowed


I've adapted to saying "twirly twirls" or shit like that but in the case of doing hurdles and telling Ts to do 360s, everyone understands. Its not like its something confusing.


If the t IS facing that direction, he shouldnt be killed.



You're in vip, so you turn to face obs, which IS NOT your back wall.

A ct comes along and kills you.

The ct DID IN FACT FREEKILL YOU! The lead did not say face back wall or face the wall closest to Electric chair or whatever. He said face obs.

Just like if ts or unstacked along deagle cage and lead says to face deagle sign. Unless your standing straight on with the sign, you're going to be looking at it in a different way.

Part 2:

Degree orders are banned, mainly because it is hard to see and confirm a t did a complete 360. This is mainly for standing orders.

As for moving orders like hurdles and ETC, i find it completely fine. IF YOU DONT SAY DO 360s. Why? Because there is always that one ass hat who nit picks, gets killed and cries for 2 hours straight. Now, if you said "do hurdles while spinning" then i believe that is fine. Your not giving a general degree, ts cant spin on the Z axis or else they would be doing flips, which is not possible in CSS. It is a dick order, but i think you can/should be able to do it.

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I've always wondered about that too. If someone says to face knife arena or dungeon, it's a different direction for different cells.



Also, I think that telling Ts to do 360s in hurdles should be allowed


I've adapted to saying "twirly twirls" or shit like that but in the case of doing hurdles and telling Ts to do 360s, everyone understands. Its not like its something confusing.


The rule is no degree orders, no exceptions. With degree orders it just opens doors for CTs to nitpick and kill everyone doing 359's.

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The rule is no degree orders, no exceptions. With degree orders it just opens doors for CTs to nitpick and kill everyone doing 359's.


this rule was only put into place because orders would be given like "take a step out of your cell, turn 90 degrees to your right, then 270 degrees to your left and freeze" and many other variations which would result in confusion. A lead telling T's to do 360's in hurdles shouldn't be a problem. Just like how people will say "flashlight orders aren't allowed". I'm pretty sure this was in Slaz's motd and it was there to stop confusion on orders such as "flashlight 2 terrorists to die" but telling someone to turn on their flashlight and face the ceiling shouldn't be a problem IMO

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The flashlight rule was implemented because there WAS a glitch with the source engine where some people couldn't see others flashlights. Although I have not seen that glitch happen in years.


And the degrees order was like mccain said to prevent people doing shit like "oh heuhuehue you only turned 359 degrees". If you want to tell them to do a 180, that's fine... You just can't kill them if they do 160 or 200.

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  • 1 month later...
Is the tarp allowed where lead says "when I say the magical word go...." and then when lead says just "go" but not "the magical word go" all the Ts that move die? Just want some official clarification because multiple admins are saying different things.




Also, if the lead wants for the Ts to go when he says "go" and doesn't understand that it's a common tarp on the server and kills people for delaying, are they freekills?

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Is the tarp allowed where lead says "when I say the magical word go...." and then when lead says just "go" but not "the magical word go" all the Ts that move die?


Just want some official clarification because multiple admins are saying different things.

I've never ever heard someone debate saying this wasn't allowed

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Ok so just so everyone is worried i ll post it again.



"magical word go" and kill ts who went when he said "go"


Not allowed

"the magical word go" and kill ts who went when he said "magical word go"

Dont tarp with small words like that.



Maybe lead should say "When I say quote the magical word go unquote, run to..."? It'll still catch derps but it gets rid of a lot of problems.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cell orders once your already out of your cell, Example:


Cell opener bought and im running towards armory, and the lead says get on your back bunk pillow and im killed for not following orders. I used to play alot from 2011-2012 and at that point cell orders are not allowed once the doors are open and Ts are out. I asked last night and I had someone say that orders are orders and should always be followed. Just want to clear this up


What about unclear simon says orders? Like they subtly say that we are playing simon says as bombs are going off and Ts are spamming, ive been playing for the last couple of days and a couple of times I didnt hear them/barely heard them say it.

Edited by Blackman
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