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JailBreak New Teleport from 1st Cell


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Hello i'm here to discuss about the first cell teleporter i have been playing a few hours and noticing the 1st teleporter isn't going as planed and should be moved i suggest taking the teleporter to the vent that is near the Deagel cage wall where you have 2 options take the vent to the scout and rebel or take the vent to the under Knife arena and wait out or try getting your guns from the armoury seems better than the kitchen cause the terrorist don't have a chance to rebel and get owned the first seconds of there arrival and the 2nd portal is a waste for them to travel more


hope i helped and have a good da

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Brilliant idea incoming


What if we got rid of first cell teleport? BAM no more bitching about camping armory, OH YOU DIDNT SEE ME IN VENTS, camping vents, ETC ETC



However, i wouldn't want that done. If it were the way i preferred it would still tele you into the corner of armory. Protip: If you're in first cell go when the timer is at 5:39, by that time "armory campers" would have been tele'd out (unless they left and re-entered).


P.S. Jailbreakers; this is why we can't have nice things.

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