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Let me...reintroduce myself.

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As I see many new faces here in our beautiful clan, I think it is only fitting to reintroduce myself to all these people here who may not know me. Having some random dude show up with Council tags might be somewhat off-putting, after all.


I am Lamp a.k.a. HG | I Love Lamp. I joined this community in early '06, a constant regular of the now deserted NTF. That server was the first time I had really experienced a clan that caught my attention as being full of awesome people. I joined at a time when the clan was still known as HT or HellTonic. A few years later, Homer, Clark, DJ2, and I (being the main "front men" of the clan at that time) decided to take the clan "public", so to speak. HT previously was a very closed organization, but Homer has his eyes set on something bigger and we thought it was a great idea. So thus, the first "Council" was born. I've been around ever since. When I had more time in a previous era, I would be the guy writing almost everything you saw on the site. Rules, ads, bios, any blurb on the site was probably written (or at least edited) by me. I also dabbled in coding a bit (I created the mess that was our first "auto-scrim" server). Now that my time dwindles (having a "real job" sucks ass), I do what I can around the community to make it a better place. I may seem like a sarcastic, hardass douchebag at times, but I assure, I have only the purest intentions at heart (not really, but I swear I'm nice...sometimes).


You'll be seeing me a lot more often now, as I've now found a bit of time in my ever-busy schedule, so watch out.


Good luck and Godspeed,



Your Benevolent Overlord

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I was going to do one of these but the train tracks flooded.


It doesnt rain in texas so thats a lie!







Lamp was the guy who came to me and bort offering us staff the same day


2 for 1 pepsi next


Also Hi lamp

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