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Bounty system


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I like the traditional route better, you can't make it too complex or people just won't use it. Someone puts a bounty on a CT's head, whoever kills the bounty gets the points, people want the CT dead, they aren't going to want their points back lol, they are trying to get him killed. I think if you had it static to where only one bounty could be placed per T with a max of 5 or maybe 10 bounties at one time, then you wouldn't need to use the contribution system, when 1 CT with a bounty dies, 1 slot opens up to put a bounty. Making it only one bounty per CT would limit the trolling of only putting like a bounty of a dollar, and then it's whoever gets the kill first, frankly there isn't enough rebelling lol, at least in my opinion, most of the time people don't rebel.


The purple skin idea is fantastic, not sure how you could prevent them from camping and hiding somewhere, maybe have them show up on the T's minimap the entire time they have a bounty, that would fit the bill pretty well. Then it doesn't matter if the CT knows or not lol, the T's will know exactly where they are, then the T's just have to find a way to rebel and kill him, haha. Either way I love this idea and whatever it ends up implemented as, I'll be eager to use it.

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+1 also the bounties should be randomized so its not always lead

That's not how bounties work.. T's want a CT dead, they place a bounty on them, they get happy when they die.


No ones gonna give a fuck with some CT with a -1-16 score has a bounty on him and dies.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with Poohunter. It should be very simple. One terrorist makes the pool of whatever rep he wants and terrorists cannot add more rep to it. Only one bounty per round, someone who made a bounty cannot do another bounty until 5 rounds later. person who kills target gets all the rep. Simple as that.


EDIT: If target kills himself or gets slayed , he or she gets a 5 round tempblock and owner who made the bounty gets it all back.

Edited by Baotiv The Mad
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