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POLL: Making A Secondary Account To Play While Banned. You Decide.


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Okay Community, I was asked to poll the general population of HG to get your opinion on this matter.


It has long been the practice of this community to let someone who has been banned simply buy a new Steam account and play on the server again to circumvent a ban.


Do you agree with this that they should be able to circumvent their ban in our community by just buying a new account and continuing to break the rules or should they be held to their original ban? Please voice your opinions.






*EDIT* I apologize for not being more specific, I am mainly referring to temporary bans here. Voice your opinions either way though, temp bans and permas.





*Second Edit - Added at 7-Yes 13-No*

[suggestions] Global and Perp Releated

[bans] There should be no use of Alt accounts permitted while on a temp ban.

[bans] If perma banned, you should be able to buy a secondary account and ONLY get one second chance. If you get perma banned again, you're gone.

Edited by Cal45
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If they want to go through all that trouble by paying for the game again just to play on our servers then they should have the chance to play on our servers once again. But if they choose to cause trouble again for the same reasons their original account got banned for then they should be banned from our community through ip ban.

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With new steam-ids comes a clean-slate. the user has to buy the game again and if they fuck up then they just wasted say, 10$. People have money but doing the same thing twice is just dumb on their behalf.


If we keep the original ban then theres no way that they can remedy their previous mistakes, because them getting a new account and buying the same game again is a way of saying, "I've done something wrong, I won't do it again" Or some shit like that.

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We ban hacker


hacker buys new account


valve gets $15, and they break css with updates teh next week





we shoudl be greedy and take all teh monies instead~!



(not encouraging pay to win, just sayin)

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The thing none of you seem to understand is there causing more problems. All this is is money money money. Honestly its fucking retarded.



Someone gets banned come and waits out ban on alt account with all same luxuarys still breaking rules on second account. Gets unbanned and continues to abuse. Meanwhile he is an HG member and doesn't know rules. Sure its his money but its your server that you gotta put up with the constant complaining of its dedicated players and at this rate you'll loose more than your earning.



This is how it should work-



If your standard account is temp banned wait it out learn your lesson, If your Perm Banned you may buy another account and come play, if that reaches the point of Perm ban you may not come back. After perm bans you've had your shot.

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The thing none of you seem to understand is there causing more problems. All this is is money money money. Honestly its fucking retarded.



Someone gets banned come and waits out ban on alt account with all same luxuarys still breaking rules on second account. Gets unbanned and continues to abuse. Meanwhile he is an HG member and doesn't know rules. Sure its his money but its your server that you gotta put up with the constant complaining of its dedicated players and at this rate you'll loose more than your earning.


That's why we have leadership, we're here to moderate servers and if someone comes in and starts breaking the rules then they're dealt with accordingly. and yes it is our servers and that's why we have admins to make sure shit like abusing and rule-breaking doesn't happen. Repeat offenders are obviously on the hit-list for permabans and through the procedure we have, we can weed out their accounts and if they're seems to be too many to handle then we just ip ban them. Just because someone is using another account to break the rules doesn't mean that they are less susceptible to being detected for rule-breaking.

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For temp bans, I say if a player is temp'd on one account, and then switches to another account [and we find out] and starts playing on our servers then yeah, the ban should transfer over. Otherwise the ban on the original account is pointless IMHO.


For perma bans, well i say leave it; people do change and learn from their mistakes.


For for people saying IP bans heuheuheu, if you've got half a brain and know how to use Google then it's easy to change your IP, not to mention if you've already got a Dynamic IP Address lol. So there's not much you can do about that.



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