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HG 2012 CSS Tournament Suggestion/Tips/Ideas


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This past CSS Tourney we had was a good trial/experiment to help us in the future tournaments. Now we all know it was not perfect and I know for a fact that there are plenty of people that have input they want to share. So please I encourage people to share their feedback/ideas/tips/suggestions so we can try and get these future tournaments on key. Also please feel free to post Pro's and Con's about your experience of the tournament and the live stream we had going. Once again please no rage posts and starting flame wars.


Examples of certain topics:


  • Time and Date for future tournaments
  • Livestream Suggestions
  • Map choices
  • Side Selection (CT/T)
  • How to make teams
  • How many Sub's allowed
  • Deadlines to submit Team and Team Name
  • Should be or not be allowed to continue playing 4 v 5 after a player Times Out/Disconnects
  • At least have one admin in each game for help
  • Penalty for Illegal defuse
  • Penalty for not having 5 players and holding up a game
  • Time limit in getting that 5th player to connect to begin the game
  • Friendly Fire ON/OFF
  • Teams should be able to pause (1 pause per team? or more)
  • Team knife fight for Side or Map



Those are some topics that i heard in trial tournament... but please feel free to bring up anything else in mind or even PM any on of us in CSS leadership...











Edited by Nevodka
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For one we have to make up our minds if this is a friendly tournament or a serious CSS tournament. If it is serious ff needs to be off and no subs will be taken unless they are on the roster. Rosters should not be changed day of, meaning you should have a date and time for when cut offs of teams are. Teams should have 7 players and thats it, so 5 starters and 2 subs.

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#1 I think sourceTV would be a better option for some of us who just want to watch without having the delay of twitch.tv and commentary but I can see how both options would be good for hellsgamers to get new members ect. ect. using twitch.


#2 Having a side list "popup" similar to esea to see who is ready and who isn't.


#3 The option for choosing 10 rounds vs 15 seems to be a bad idea. My team made the mistake of choosing whatever without knowing what we were getting into. "Most people are used to the 15 round half and then switching teams and playing it out if the score is 15/15 til one team has 16.


#4 Bhop option seems like it's not needed as well "just my opinion"


#5 5 minute timelimit seems a good time to find a sub especially if you have a sub on your registered team before starting the tournament it will make things go faster and smoother..


#6 Maybe have sub groups or some sort of system so that some team who is new to 10 mans and "not good" isn't randomly chosen to go up against the guys that have been playing together for years. "Overly Stacked Team vs The new guys" first round.


#7 Have team channels made before tournament starts to speed up time


Just suggestions :)





Edited by Wolfman
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This came in from ploots nice pm to me...



Time and Date for future tournaments :

Host Multiple brackets depending on timezone. Ex: A EU Bracket and a US Bracket,Both winners of the Us Bracket and EU Bracket verse each other Or Schedule a EST Bracket or a PST Bracket

Livestream Suggestions:

Bring up a list of who will participate and just vote one who wants to cast

Map choices:

Map Voting

Side Selection (CT/T):

A Knife mid to determine or a custom knife only round to determine sides, winner gets to choose CT or T

How to make teams:

Have a Open lobby for people recruiting or just an idea of a lobby to recruit,Or Atleast have 2+ or more Hg Memebers per team, so people dont bring in their entire team of pros, they can always apply but the HG Members must be registered as a Recruit + before the announcement of the tourny

How many Sub's allowed:

Atleast 2, For Reasons like DCing or somebody has to go, A sub comes in but somebody else dc's or times out for a long period of time, you will need another sub

Deadlines to submit Team and Team Name:

Atleast By the last week before the tourney is announced. Or until after the Beginning of the Semi Brackets, Semi Brackets : First set of matches then the other sets after all teams have been in a match, If the team has been registered after that they have to play Losers Brackets

Should be or not be allowed to continue playing 4 v 5 after a player Times Out/Disconnects: If its 4v5 They have to forfeit its a default 5v5 match.

At least have one admin in each game for help: Atleast a channel where free time admins can sit in there if anybody needs help, just like a help desk

Penalty for Illegal defuse: Illegal Defuse = +1 round for the other team.

Penalty for not having 5 players and holding up a game: If theres no sub in there roster that hasnt been registered then Forfeit After 10 minutes of waiting,

Time limit in getting that 5th player to connect to begin the game: If hes connecting atleast 10-15 minutes if hes downloading the map or not.

Friendly Fire ON/OFF: ON - Real Tourney Rules. as in a average tourney would have

Teams should be able to pause (1 pause per team? or more): Atleast able to pause if a teammate crashes or is about to crash.

Team knife fight for Side or Map: Side selection idea.

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Make it so that HG only or like, regulars only, can play in the tournament :) Drew said yesterday "they should make it like, at least 3 people in one team should be -hg- or up" I liked that idea, to not make it too random and to not get hijacked by strangers ruining "the fun" :P


Side pick has proven to be pretty important and I like knifing mid like what happens usually.


The "is now ready" and "not ready" to the right like in esea would be awesomesauce!


starting time should be set an hour earlier than the actual play time to get everything fixed already like channels etc.


If stv info is given out, make the delay hella long, like, in esea it's what, about 2 rounds? that's way better :P


Live stream should not disappear, I watched it and I enjoyed rampage covering it, cause he knows stuff about css so he's not just talking out of his ass.


I'd say "not stacking teams" shouldn't be a rule, cause lots of good players are used to playing with friends that just, are pretty good too. So making the "not stacking teams" a rule, would make them either not play at all, or have to play with people they're less familiar with, which takes away the funzies. I would also not say make one for jailbreakers and one for cssers since an event is about getting the community together and not about dividing it even more right? Double elimination was mentioned yesterday on the stream, and, me gusta. You will not be out after one loss but after 2.


EU and USA tournament would kind of be poop, since there's not too many eu players :D we'd get like, 2 or 3 teams, if we would try hard finding people from the eU :P

just maybe make it even earlier, like, early afternoon on idk what day when lots of murricans have a day off (idk, saturday? sunday?) so that it doesnt start at midnight EU time but a bit earlier. That allnighter definitely wrecked me (:


People were also surprised we would play the finals the same evening, our team got pretty tired playing for 6 hours straight (and if the forfeit wasn't given, about 7 hours). If a double elimination would be put in it would take even longer, so I would like to see the semi's and the finals on the next day instead of afterwards. Cause everyone was just really tired.


I like the idea of having subs ready already and not being able to switch, but only if 1) we can have 2 subs, and 2) if we could like, get some kind of punishment if people that do sign up don't get on. This might sound silly, but you don't want to sign up with a team hoping to play when 3 of them don't sign on in time and your sub decides not to play or whatnot (almost happened to us :D). So yeah! Or some kind of "starting five" made for every team, and subs completely separate from the teams signing up as subs in general, being ready to sub for whatever team needs one at that moment.


If the tournament would be played on one day and not split in two days, a bo3 is just too much :D


I might think of things later and I'll add that to this post or make a new one as I see fit (:




PS, considering this was kind of a try out, this tournament was fun as hell (besides the people getting mad at me for picking people I wanted to play with being good), it kind of took a while in the beginning to get the TS permissions fixed but I had funzies, and I know most people did, so congrats on your hard work girls <3



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A few of us were just watching by livestream and...


Ok, if you are shoutcasting a CSS match, you should know a bit about strategies for buying, attacking, defending, etc. If you don't know the firing mechanic of an MP5 (hint, it doesn't have one), you probably shouldn't be calling for a game where the MP5 is one of the primary (most-seen) weapons. The commentary was lacking of any substance, and some games I would just mute sound and watch the game silently.

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Make a cut-off for the team registration and have the teams register with Steam IDs.


Have a live admin watching and lo3ing our matches, no PUG mod.


We should have a break in between matches, just a short one like 10-15 minutes. I don't really enjoy jumping straight into another match.


I don't really like the idea of having 2+ HG members on each team, because there are a lot of people that 10 man regularly who aren't members. I would just say to bring it to 1 member.

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Think the tourny should be like a 2 day thing, so your not sitting there for a long time, if your team happens to be doing good.

Also think we should have have a losers bracket, so the people that lose first match aren't just SOL.

Open sourceTV to public, with a long delay.

Show who has not readied up.

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Have the times/dates established for tournaments WELL in advance so that teams and subs can be formed with better knowledge as to whether all members can attend. If there does happen to be a change in the schedule, be 100% sure that everyone involved knows.

+1 to SourceTV, not only because it provides the freedom for users to watch what they want (and thereby nullifies the need for commentators), but also because it allows for viewers (and possibly players in the tournament) to know what exactly is going on with all matches (whether there is a delay, etc.) so that miscommunication is minimized.

If there is to be any LiveStreaming/Twitch, it should be from staff, notifying what matches are coming up next as well as other important information relevant to the tournament.

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-Make the DATE/TIME ahead of time.

-The tournament should be a 2 day event.

-Also have the matches as best out of 3.

-Both teams should have 1 pause

-Friendly Fire ON

-Can only have 2 subs, I don't think the part with having a certain amount of HG members on a team would work out because there's other clans that would probably want to join but only want to have their 5 and subs on the roster

-Tournament should start earlier than 5 EST so we can get more matches in.

-Advertise the tournaments to other clans/communities so we can get more teams to participate.

-Honestly I can't say anything about stacking teams since the tournament is open to anyone

-Shouldn't have so many matches playing at the same time, because people would want to see the matches stream.

-Fix the buytime and have the captain knife for side/map winner's choice. So nobody has to fight for side again.

-Fix the part where people can't get respawned for timing out or leaving the server.

-Should be able to play 4v5 if their subs aren't on.

-Deadlines should only be a day after the tournament

-Teams should register with their STEAMID so there's no bans on them for cheating

-Anti Cheat


Well that's all I have. Hope these help.

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In regards to kenny, i don't think having it on more than 1 day is a good idea because its hard enough for teams to either set a day aside to play/take of work/ignore friends. To do it for 2 days would be much harder and during Day 2 teams would fall apart.

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