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Admins abusing 24/7!


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so admins think its over to spam whenever they want, and then when we talk, we get muted.... for example someone confronted an admin about it earlier on jailbrake, proved him wrong soo bad, he banned him... many admins ruin the server, they slay when it best suits them, and slay when a friend has been freekilled, but if its someone they dont like, they just let it pass... i was freekilled on lr, no slay, the other guy was "who was well known" they slayed for him.

Edited by mccaincracker
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You don't need to come here insulting other players. Just as makarov said if you wish for something to be done please report it here: https://hellsgamers.com/forums/74-Abuse-Reports


You can obtain proof by recording a demo (to record a demo open console and type record demonamehere) which can then be uploaded as proof. Demos are found in your cstrike folder.

Or by taking screenshots (f12 is the default ingame key).


If you take a little bit of time to follow this, the server can be improved as we can fix bad admin behavior or remove their admin completely. If you do not wish to provide leadership proof of any wrong doing no action will be taken.

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